As I read the
Hate Letter, which they said, written by Mr. Art Bell, I was disturbed! I felt angry on how he look at Filipinos, and I was very offended to how he described my country - Third World (which he meant many things, such as uneducated, pervert, and trashy.)
I can't imagine that there's an individual person existing in this world as racist as he is. Whoever created this e-mail, he is much more disgusting than the Filipino he is pointing out. He speaks for the whole not for few, but even he did, still he is much puking. Whatever nation and race he came from, perhaps, it's the most flawless and perfect country of all. I don't want to speak wicked things on his country, but to him, I will.
According to the E-mail, it was created by Art Bell.
Arthur William "Art" Bell, III (commonly known as
Art Bell) is an American broadcaster, an author, and founder of the Pahrump, Nevada-based radio station, KNYE 95.1 FM. He also created and formerly hosted its companion show, Dreamland. Semi-retired from Coast to Coast AM since 2003, he hosted the show many weekends for the following four years. He announced his retirement from weekend hosting on July 1, 2007 but occasionally serves as a guest host.
It was stated in e-mail that Art Bell once lived in the Philippines, and it is true. Moreover, his wife is a Filipino. Nowadays, he is still living in the said country with his family. That made me doubt of his authorship of
Hate Letter. How can he say those words if his wife is a citizen of the country he is insulting? Make sense...
Well, here's the letter in e-mail:
[Taken from Internet: (Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:16:26)]
(Art Bell) As we've all come to notice, in the past few decades, Filipinos have begun to infest the United States like some sort of disease. Their extensive involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces is proof of the trashy kind of qualities all Filipinos tend to exhibit on a regular basis. You can see this clearly by studying the attitudes and cultural Icons of most Filipino Americans. Origins of Pinoys/Pinays: Are they really Asian? Well we've come to accept the fact the Filipinos come from a part of the world known as South East Asia . But the term ' Asia ' is used in the wrong way. You may notice that contemporary Filipino Americans try very hard to associate ate themselves with groups that we know as Asian. I cannot count the number of times I have seen a ' Third World ' Filipino try to connect themselves to the Chinese or Japanese people. There is no connection and here's why. The Philippines is a Third World country. Nothing respectable has EVER been created by Filipino people during our entire human history. Young Filipino men in America have become obsessed with 'import racing'. They have an enormously perverted affection for Japanese cars. It's a common phenomenon. In their minds, these Filipinos somehow believe that they are Asian and that it somehow connects them to Japanese people and Japanese cars. They often take credit for the ingenuity of Japanese people and say how it's an 'Asian thing'. This term...'Asian thing' derived directly from African American slang 'blackthang' . 'It's a black thang.' 'It's an Asian thang.' You can see the connection. It's even funnier that, in Japan , Filipinos are heavily discriminated against. The only Filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the Filipino prostitutes. But that's the case for most Filipino people no matter where they live in the world . Now we've come down to this fact...and it is a fact. Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian. They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in ANY way, Asian. Thinking of the great countries in Asia such as Japan , Korea , and China there is no way you can possibly connect the Philippine Islands. This assault by Filipino Americans to connect themselves with the great peoples of North East Asia is foul and disgusting. Try visiting a young Filipino's web site too. You'll see something called the 'Asian IRC Ring'. It has to do with the chatrooms. The most horrible thing about this is that these TRASHY people are trying to associate themselves with Asia again!! People in Asia don't act like, this at all. What we are seeing here is the natural Filipino in it's element with full access to technology and this is how they act! You will consistently see this behavior over and over again. Another interesting thing is that these 'third world' people also frequent RC chatrooms such as #Chinese # Japan and #Asian. They must believe that they are some how related racially or culturally to North Asians. But it's completely WRONG! There might have been some distant contact With China and even less with Japan during World War II, but these people are actually more closely related to African Americans and Mexican Americans. Do the parents of these young Filipinos know what's going on? Would they accept this? I believe that they would and do. This is the natural 'Trash' element in Filipinos manifesting itself. Nothing good has ever come from Philippines and I don't believe anything good ever will. Recognizing your Roots (A Message to Filipinos) To all filipino people: Please recognize your ROOTS! You come from the Third World ! You country is a disgusting and filthy place. Most people there live in poverty! Your culture has MUCH MORE SPANISH influen ce than chinese, and absolutely no JAPANESE influence whatsoever. People in Japan and China , do not act like you. They do not constantly talk about sex and they have a MUCH HIGHER level of RESPECT for each other. There is NO WAY that you can connect yourself to Asia other than location. Your culture and technological advancement does not even come CLOSE to What Chinese, people have done in the past and what Japanese and Korean people are doing now! Everything you do is distinctly filipino. You cannot take credit for Japanese cars, video games, or Hentai! It's not an 'asian thing' it's, an 'American thing'. You have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy! Can you demonstrate how you use Confucianism or Taoism in you everyday life?? You can't. And you will NEVER be able to. I understand t hat you are trying to create an identity for yourselves as young people... but it is NOT related to Asia . Your Identity is Filipino. That's all you are. Just Filipino. Think about what that means.... Sincerely, Art |
As I read the main letter, I was almost convinced that it was true, that Art Bell made it. Well, some of the qualities of Filipinos told above is quite real. Even I would admit it.
Here's the continuation of the e-mail:Filipinos are trying to connect themselves to other races.
Well, it is somewhat true. Filipinos have this attitude: Colonial Mentality. Colonial mentality refers to institutionalized or systemic feelings of inferiority within some societies or people who have been subjected to colonialism, relative to the values of the foreign powers which had previously subjugated them through colonization. Philippines was once colonized by Spaniards (Spanish) which brought this kind of mentality among Filipinos, until now. It is said that when a foreign colonial or imperial power is too strong to be effectively resisted, the colonised population often has no other immediate option than to accept the rule of the foreigners as an inescapable reality of life. Filipinos was oppressed and forced to do work (Polo y Servicio) by Spanish invaders, but those Filipinos with foreign ancestry (Filipino Mestizo) are exempted. They were even free to have education while natives were not. Thus, in order for Filipinos to achieve freedom, they need to marry foreigners.Filipinos affection for foreign products.
Yes, it is quite true. It is because, some Filipinos treat local products aslow class. So they prefer to buy foreign goods.Young Filipino men in America Have become obsessed of 'import racing'.The Import Scene or Import Racing Scene or Tuner Scene refers to the subculture that revolves around modifying imported brand cars (commonly referred to as imports), especially those of Japanese brands, for street racing. Nothing respectable has ever been created by Filipino people during our entire human history.
Definitely it is not true! We Filipinos had created many respectable things in the world. Even the simplest thing, you can count on it. I just can't tell them all, one-by-one. Examples are, Jose Rizal, many people (local or foreign) were inspired to what this Filipino guy did for his nation; Previous Pres. Corazon Aquino, fighting for democracy, who also inspired other countries to fight for their freedom; Manny Pacquiao, for giving honor to Filipinos in boxing; OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers), who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their family; and many more. If he only know.
The only Filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the Filipino prostitutes.
I don't want to comment on this one. But I definitely disagree with it. There's still Filipinos who became successful for being a good worker, not from being a good prostitute. Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian. They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in ANY way, Asian.
I can't think of one, but the reason behind that is, Filipinos came from different kinds of Asian people, and these people originated in countries where civilization concentrated. If you notice, whatever island you visit in this country, there is another culture and language different from where you are. That is an evidence that Filipinos came not from only one kind of Asian, and was not united before the Hispanic Era occur. Other than that, we are not alone from being like it, if we actually are.
... and here's a response to this idiotic mail: ------------ --------- --------- --------- --- I find this funny, he is right in some ways where we, as Filipinos dont actually have an 'Identity'. I think this is due to the confusion of our mixed races from Hispanic, Chinese, American and Malay origins. I see it in malls, imagine young generations wearing ski caps and ski goggles in a tropical country, baggy low rise pants like that of African Americans living in th e Bronx of New York, not to mention endless whitening products being sold at department stores and drug stores. But his ignorance also blinds him from the other truth. That while we may glorify Anime shows and Japanese Internet gaming, he is not aware that a nameless Filipino may be responsible for some technical aspects of some Japanese software. He is not aware of our contribution to the the society in general .Technological advancements that may have aided post war navigations and landing on the moon. That the antibiotic Erythromycin was discovered by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar from Iloilo creating the brand 'Ilosone'. Thomas Edison may have discovered the electric light bulb and the fluorescent lighting was thought up by Nikola Tesla. But the fluorescent lamp we use today was invented by Agapito Flores (a Cebuano named Benigno Flores of Bantayan Island , according to the Philippine Daily inquirer), a Filipino scientist. Americans helped then-Philippine leader Ramon Magsaysay to develo p it for worldwide commerce. That the personal physician of former U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton is Eleanor 'Connie' Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy. A Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, including Latin, Greek, German, French and Chinese. Or that a Filipino genius was responsible for the near hiatus in the PENTAGON and White HOuse nearly infiltrating their closely guarded secrets with the 'ILOVEYOU' bug. Nuisance maybe, but still one heck of a 'beautiful mind'...not to be underestimated. The list goes on and on, but who cares right? Certainly not Mr. Art Bell...Boy, I'm not surprised. Perhaps Art Bell does not know that although we consider ourselves ASIAN because we are strategically located in the Southeast asian region of which our nearest neighbors are Malays, ASIA does not mean only Chinese and Japanese race of people. Then maybe it is his connotation that 'Asia' meant only our economically successful, paler brothers and he considers Malays such as Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians, and ourselves as a ' Third World ' race. Then it is 'his' ignonimity that would make a civilized person of whatever race puke. Imagine literally connecting Chinese, Koreans and Japanese to the Philippine Islands which is archipelagos away from the countries he has mentioned. I also wonder where he got the impression that we aspire to be Japanese(??? ) Hispanics maybe but not the Japanese. But even Hispanics today do not mind sharing their 'surnames' to their Asian brothers who they have colonized for 3 centuries. Another sad reality that although most Filipinos working overseas are domestic helpers and prostitutes, who does he think educates the toddlers of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo? Parents of these countries rarely have time spent with their children, leaving them to their Filipino nannies. And with regards to prostitution. Filipinos are not the only ones working as one. I HARDLY SEE FILIPINOS STARRING IN PORN MOVIES. THERE MIGHT BE A FEW FILIPINOS WE HAVEN'T SEEN , BUT MOST ARE FROM MR. ART BELL'S RACE. He also mentioned that we have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy. How can we demonstrate Confucianism or Taoism in a Christian nation? IS HE INFORMED THAT THE PHILIPPINES IS THE ONLY PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC NATION IN ASIA ?! YOU HAVE TO USE COMMON SENSE IN A LOT OF THINGS SOMETIMES... We do not need to create an identity for ourselves. We are who we are. Our identity stems from the anonymity we live in this world. How we contribute silent ly towards the progress of the world and not just one country. Although the Filipino blood may be tainted with malice, corruption, poverty and prostitution, it is not a perfect race... But so are the others. Maybe Mr. Art Bell needs to think about this. WE MAY NOT BE PERFECT MR. BELL BUT AT LEAST WE STILL H AVE VALUES. FOR ONE THING WE DONT PUT OUR AGING PARENTS IN NURSING HOMES BECAUSE 'THEY'RE SIMPLY OLD AND WORTHLESS'. WE DONT HAVE AS MUCH NUMBERS OF SINGLE MOTHERS WHO GET PREGNANT IN THEIR VERY EARLY TEENS AND EVENTUALLY BECOME PARASITES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR YEARS AND YEARS. YES...WE CAME TO YOUR COUNTRY TO WORK, TO EARN DECENT MONEY (HALF OF WHICH BY THE WAY GOES TO TAXES BECAUSE THERE'S SO MANY SOCIAL PARASITES FROM YOUR RACE).AND BY THE WAY, MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE THAT I WORK WITH DONT COME FROM YOUR RACE... THEY'RE ACTUALLY IMMIGRANTS TOO. AND THOSE EDUCATED ONES DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU DO, PERHAPS BECAUSE THEY'VE REALLY BEEN WELL EDUCATED..AFTER ALL THAT'S SAID... WHO IS THE IGNORANT ONCE AGAIN?! - ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ So, be proud, you are a Filipino,... and not like Mr. Art Be ll. Please do send this to as many person as you can until it reaches him. |
This E-mail hoax spread specifically in America, but it went out to other countries, and even got in the Philippines.
Hans Eisenman enumerated four things to look for when reading E-mails similar above:
Definitely the E-mail complies on the said requirements above to be a hoax. But actually, in this case, the message speaks to all the Filipinos, not for a specific one. Whether this is not written by Art Bell, yet it prejudices the personality and character of every Filipino in the world. It still affect the treatment of foreign nation and people to Filipinos.Does the email recommending sending it to everyone you know?
Yes, as written above:... send this to as many person as you can until it
reaches him.Does reading it make you feel outraged, angry or like you have to "do something"? YesDo you find yourself saying "incredible!", but yet somehow believing it could happen? YesDoes the subject matter scare you? Does it make you think "what a scary world we live in today!" or something similar? In other words, is it preying on your fears? Yes
Well, I need to accept the opinion of other people. Truth can set everybody free, and DOGS BARK WHEN THEY DON'T KNOW THE PERSON.
Here's the whole e-mail: (Note: I didn't edit it. I retained the original form.)
Subject: "Hate Letter" Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:16:26 -0400 This is a very disturbing open E-mail letter to all Filipinos around The world; specially here in North America !, from a man who has the power To reach million of people. (he's a radio talk host) Please read on.......... .... This is an open letter email by Art Bell, a radio talk show host in Nevada (more info in the email itself). Here is yet another person who has taken advantage of his power and privilege to use hateful words and racial stereotypes that breed further ignorance and intolerance in our society. Art Bell is a talk radio host who has two shows that he broadcasts from his home in Nevada , that is rebroadcast by 400 stations across the country. He's written 2 books. He lived in Okinawa , Japan for some years and had a radio program on the English station here. And, though it's hard to believe after reading the following letter from him, he actually has been to the Philippines (he's traveled fairly extensively around the world). This letter is so degrading, I think it's really important that everybody read this and not attack him, but respond to him in a civilized manner because otherwise his th oughts will be reaffirmed. Understand that not everyone has a viewpoint like we do, and that this is an opinion of someone who hopefully can be changed only by civil actions. ............. ......... ......... ......... ....... Filipinos... ..*make me puke* (Art Bell) As we've all come to notice, in the past few decades, Filipinos have begun to infest the United States like some sort of disease. Their extensive involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces is proof of the trashy kind of qualities all Filipinos tend to exhibit on a regular basis. You can see this clearly by studying the attitudes and cultural Icons of most Filipino Americans. Origins of Pinoys/Pinays: Are they really Asian? Well we've come to accept the fact the Filipinos come from a part of the world known as South East Asia . But the term ' Asia ' is used in the wrong way. You may notice that contemporary Filipino Americans try very hard to associate ate themselves with groups that we know as Asian. I cannot count the number of times I have seen a ' Third World ' Filipino try to connect themselves to the Chinese or Japanese people. There is no connection and here's why. The Philippines is a Third World country. Nothing respectable has EVER been created by Filipino people during our entire human history. Young Filipino men in America have become obsessed with 'import racing'. They have an enormously perverted affection for Japanese cars. It's a common phenomenon. In their minds, these Filipinos somehow believe that they are Asian and that it somehow connects them to Japanese people and Japanese cars. They often take credit for the ingenuity of Japanese people and say how it's an 'Asian thing'. This term...'Asian thing' derived directly from African American slang 'blackthang' . 'It's a black thang.' 'It's an Asian thang.' You can see the connection. It's even funnier that, in Japan , Filipinos are heavily discriminated against. The only Filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the Filipino prostitutes. But that's the case for most Filipino people no matter where they live in the world . Now we've come down to this fact...and it is a fact. Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian. They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in ANY way, Asian. Thinking of the great countries in Asia such as Japan , Korea , and China there is no way you can possibly connect the Philippine Islands. This assault by Filipino Americans to connect themselves with the great peoples of North East Asia is foul and disgusting. Try visiting a young Filipino's web site too. You'll see something called the 'Asian IRC Ring'. It has to do with the chatrooms. The most horrible thing about this is that these TRASHY people are trying to associate themselves with Asia again!! People in Asia don't act like, this at all. What we are seeing here is the natural Filipino in it's element with full access to technology and this is how they act! You will consistently see this behavior over and over again. Another interesting thing is that these 'third world' people also frequent RC chatrooms such as #Chinese # Japan and #Asian. They must believe that they are some how related racially or culturally to North Asians. But it's completely WRONG! There might have been some distant contact With China and even less with Japan during World War II, but these people are actually more closely related to African Americans and Mexican Americans. Do the parents of these young Filipinos know what's going on? Would they accept this? I believe that they would and do. This is the natural 'Trash' element in Filipinos manifesting itself. Nothing good has ever come from Philippines and I don't believe anything good ever will. Recognizing your Roots (A Message to Filipinos) To all filipino people: Please recognize your ROOTS! You come from the Third World ! You country is a disgusting and filthy place. Most people there live in poverty! Your culture has MUCH MORE SPANISH influen ce than chinese, and absolutely no JAPANESE influence whatsoever. People in Japan and China , do not act like you. They do not constantly talk about sex and they have a MUCH HIGHER level of RESPECT for each other. There is NO WAY that you can connect yourself to Asia other than location. Your culture and technological advancement does not even come CLOSE to What Chinese, people have done in the past and what Japanese and Korean people are doing now! Everything you do is distinctly filipino. You cannot take credit for Japanese cars, video games, or Hentai! It's not an 'asian thing' it's, an 'American thing'. You have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy! Can you demonstrate how you use Confucianism or Taoism in you everyday life?? You can't. And you will NEVER be able to. I understand t hat you are trying to create an identity for yourselves as young people... but it is NOT related to Asia . Your Identity is Filipino. That's all you are. Just Filipino. Think about what that means.... Sincerely, Art and here's a response to this idiotic mail: ------------ --------- --------- --------- --- I find this funny, he is right in some ways where we, as Filipinos dont actually have an 'Identity'. I think this is due to the confusion of our mixed races from Hispanic, Chinese, American and Malay origins. I see it in malls, imagine young generations wearin g ski caps and ski goggles in a tropical country, baggy low rise pants like that of African Americans living in th e Bronx of New York, not to mention endless whitening products being sold at department stores and drug stores. But his ignorance also blinds him from the other truth. That while we may glorify Anime shows and Japanese Internet gaming, he is not aware that a nameless Filipino may be responsible for some technical aspects of some Japanese software. He is not aware of our contribution to the the society in general .Technological advancements that may have aided post war navigations and landing on the moon. That the antibiotic Erythromycin was discovered by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar from Iloilo creating the brand 'Ilosone'. Thomas Edison may have discovered the electric light bulb and the fluorescent lighting was thought up by Nikola Tesla. But the fluorescent lamp we use today was invented by Agapito Flores (a Cebuano named Benigno Flores of Bantayan Island , according to the Philippine Daily inquirer), a Filipino scientist. Americans helped then-Philippine leader Ramon Magsaysay to develo p it for worldwide commerce. That the personal physician of former U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton is Eleanor 'Connie' Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy. A Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, including Latin, Greek, German, French and Chinese. Or that a Filipino genius was responsible for the near hiatus in the PENTAGON and White HOuse nearly infiltrating their closely guarded secrets with the 'ILOVEYOU' bug. Nuisance maybe, but still one heck of a 'beautiful mind'...not to be underestimated. The list goes on and on, but who cares right? Certainly not Mr. Art Bell...Boy, I'm not surprised. Perhaps Art Bell does not know that although we consider ourselves ASIAN because we are strategically located in the Southeast asian region of which our nearest neighbors are Malays, ASIA does not mean only Chinese and Japanese race of people. Then maybe it is his connotation that 'Asia' meant only our economically successful, paler brothers and he considers Malays such as Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians, and ourselves as a ' Third World ' race. Then it is 'his' ignonimity that would make a civilized person of whatever race puke. Imagine literally connecting Chinese, Koreans and Japanese to the Philippine Islands which is archipelagos away from the countries he has mentioned. I also wonder where he got the impression that we aspire to be Japanese(??? ) Hispanics maybe but not the Japanese. But even Hispanics today do not mind sharing their 'surnames' to their Asian brothers who they have colonized for 3 centuries. Another sad reality that although most Filipinos working overseas are domestic helpers and prostitutes, who does he think educates the toddlers of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo? Parents of these countries rarely have time spent with their children, leaving them to their Filipino nannies. And with regards to prostitution. Filipinos are not the only ones working as one. I HARDLY SEE FILIPINOS STARRING IN PORN MOVIES. THERE MIGHT BE A FEW FILIPINOS WE HAVEN'T SEEN , BUT MOST ARE FROM MR. ART BELL'S RACE. He also mentioned that we have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy. How can we demonstrate Confucianism or Taoism in a Christian nation? IS HE INFORMED THAT THE PHILIPPINES IS THE ONLY PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC NATION IN ASIA ?! YOU HAVE TO USE COMMON SENSE IN A LOT OF THINGS SOMETIMES... We do not need to create an identity for ourselves. We are who we are. Our identity stems from the anonymity we live in this world. How we contribute silent ly towards the progress of the world and not just one country. Although the Filipino blood may be tainted with malice, corruption, poverty and prostitution, it is not a perfect race... But so are the others. Maybe Mr. Art Bell needs to think about this. WE MAY NOT BE PERFECT MR. BELL BUT AT LEAST WE STILL H AVE VALUES. FOR ONE THING WE DONT PUT OUR AGING PARENTS IN NURSING HOMES BECAUSE 'THEY'RE SIMPLY OLD AND WORTHLESS'. WE DONT HAVE AS MUCH NUMBERS OF SINGLE MOTHERS WHO GET PREGNANT IN THEIR VERY EARLY TEENS AND EVENTUALLY BECOME PARASITES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR YEARS AND YEARS. YES...WE CAME TO YOUR COUNTRY TO WORK, TO EARN DECENT MONEY (HALF OF WHICH BY THE WAY GOES TO TAXES BECAUSE THERE'S SO MANY SOCIAL PARASITES FROM YOUR RACE).AND BY THE WAY, MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE THAT I WORK WITH DONT COME FROM YOUR RACE... THEY'RE ACTUALLY IMMIGRANTS TOO. AND THOSE EDUCATED ONES DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU DO, PERHAPS BECAUSE THEY'VE REALLY BEEN WELL EDUCATED..AFTER ALL THAT'S SAID... WHO IS THE IGNORANT ONCE AGAIN?! - ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ So, be proud, you are a Filipino,... and not like Mr. Art Be ll. Please do send this to as many person as you can until it reaches him. Note: I retained the E-mail on it's original form. I didn't edit it. It is as is. |
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