Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

The Ghost Ship

I have read several versions of this story.   They are all very similar but vary slightly in the details.  Every version of the story has the same ending and carries with it haunting images of ghost ships and skeleton crews.  I'm describing my favorite version of this story.

In 1812, there were two young sailors named Charles Jose and George Leverett.  The sailors were friends, but a woman came between them.  The woman's name was Sarah Soule and both men fell madly in love with this beauty the first time they glimpsed her.   Their friendship quickly turned to rivalry and hatred as the two men each wooed the lovely Sarah.  As is always the case, only one man won the heart and hand of the beautiful Sarah and the other was sent off to brood and mourn.  George was the luckier of the two.  He married Sarah and his love for his wife was so great that he named his ship, Sarah, after his wife.

The ship was doomed from the beginning.  One night, when the ship was out to sea, the crew of the Sarah noticed they were being followed by a dark ship.  Leverett tried desperately to shake the dark ship that was chasing him, but the dark ship was faster.   Charles Jose and his black ship quickly overtook the Sarah.  They boarded the ship and killed every member of Leverett's crew.    Charles thought death was too easy for George, however.  Charles wanted George to suffer as he had suffered.  He wanted him to die slowly and to feel true hopelessness.  So Charles bound Charles to the mast of the ship and set the ship adrift deep at sea.  He set him adrift so far out to sea that there was no chance of George every being found or rescued.

Leverett quickly lost hope.  He couldn't escape his bonds and he had no idea where he had been left.  He knew death would come for him.  However, the death that came for him wasn't the death he expected.   Slowly, the corpses of his murdered crew rose up from the floor.   They rose up and took control of the ship and guided it to Harpswell, Maine.  Those who saw the ship come to shore, describe a ship full of ghosts  coming into shore in the fog.    The ghosts said nothing.  They set Leverett safely ashore and returned to the ship.  A heavy fog drifted in as the ghosts boarded their ship and when the fog had lifted, the ship was gone.  The Sarah and her crew were never seen again.

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Shoes may just make the lawyer

Today I learned about the wonders of drunk driving representation. And by learned, I mean obsessed over the speaker's killer leopard print strappy heels while questioning how well they would go over in court (this lady obviously runs six miles every day and has never worn sunscreen in her life). I'll leave it to your imagination....

A few things she said, I got. YES, the state DOES have to prove the case. YES, sometimes scummy people will walk when they were obviously loaded and driving around. And YES, the youtube videos can be quite amusing at times. (Her favorite is attached at the bottom of this post.)

Others, I am not so clear about, either ethically or from a legal standpoint, including: 1) Why the state would use cameras in vehicles if it makes it that much easier to get a drunk person relieved of their charges; 2) Why the state finds it necessary to keep both DUI and DWI on the books (I vaguely remember her saying something about how the offenses play out but again.....shoes); 3) How refusing to blow gets your license suspended for six months, but if you go into court and are found not guilty of the charges, it most likely gets dismissed, and MOST IMPORTANTLY:

4) Why the fuck I can't manage to get out of a damn speeding ticket.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Ghostly, Paranormal, and Fun Books for the End of Summer

 I have been reading a good bit lately and I've been lucky to have come across some truly haunting stories.   Some of these books involve ghosts and hauntings, and one is just good fun, but they are all worth a read.  Sometimes the best ghost stories can be found in fiction and these books are definitely examples of that.  I love haunting and supernatural stories that take me to another place.  They never get old.  Whether I'm exploring regional folklore or reading a good novel,  they make my day a little better.  These are some of the books that have made my day a little better lately.

Her Fearful Symmetry:   This bestselling novel was written by Audry Niffenegger, the author of A Time Traveler's Wife.  It hasn't been as well reviewed as The Time Traveller's Wife and I've read that some folks have been disappointed by it, but I loved this book.  It is set outside of London's Highgate Cemetery and involves some strange theories about ghosts and their relationship to the mortal world.   How could I not love this book?  It tells the tale of two sets of twins and their unhealthy relationships with each other and the rest of the world.   One twin is a ghost for the duration of the book and her struggle to become part of the living world is the driving force of the novel.   This book is creepy and the end is disturbing.  I think it is a haunting addition to any ghost lovers library.
Shadow Fox: This is Ashley Barnard's debut novel and it is excellent. This book is not ghostly, but it is fun. This book is a dark, urban fantasy about a young man who is struggling with Heroine addiction in London. His life is a mess and everything seems to go wrong for him. He is self destructive and would seemed doomed until he finds a mysterious journal that sheds light on his shadowy antecedents. Suddenly, he finds himself in a world where his gifts will make him the hero. This is the first book in a series and it definitely hooks you a draws you into a mysterious world.
The Abandoned: This is Amanda Steven's lovely prequel to the Graveyard Queen series. This book has it all. It is the story of a young psychology intern working on her master's degree. She works at a shadowy mental hospital and picks up a ghost when one of her elderly patients dies. After she overhears a devious conversation, she is drawn into a mystery that involves old cemeteries, secret societies, and haunted places. She also finds herself drawn into a relationship with a sexy ghost hunter. This is definitely haunted fun and to make it better, it is free on kindle.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

First week of classes? THAT'S OKAY!

I like linking up with Neely and Amber for It's Okay Thursday.....especially because I sometimes need that reassurance. ;)

It's okay....

to refuse to get out of bed until you get your eight hours of sleep.

to eat string cheese and a fiber bar for breakfast.

for you to purposefully skip your period using BC because you don't want to have one for your birthday.

to think Casey Anthony is pretty even though she's probably a very twisted individual.

to shop for your Halloween costume in August.

to want to kick 2Ls in the head just for being 2Ls.

to wear a Transformers t-shirt and a Jagermeister keychain around your neck at the same time and still demand respect because YOU ARE A 3L.


to keep every single shoebox your shoes have ever come in (never know when you might need them).

to go on cleaning purges so severe that your stomach actually hurts at the thought of them.

to stuff your dog's Kong with turkey so she will let you blog uninterrupted for ten minutes.

to mumble comments under your breath about marriage, divorce, maiming unfaithful spouses, and how the law is wrong during your DR class.

Haunted Chattanooga

I have spent the last week or so struggling with a lot of drama around this book, but I have to say now that it is in my hand, I can forget the drama.   The book is out and that is all that matters.  My new History Press book, Haunted Chattanooga, was released today and is now available at amazon.com.  The first shipment has arrived at Barnes and Noble and Books a Million and will be shelved soon.   I'm overjoyed.  A lot of work and stress went into this one and I think it is lovely.   I have to confess that much of that loveliness is due to my coauthor, Amy Petulla.    Her chapters introduced me to some amazing new ghost stories.   The chapter on the Black Aggie is particularly riveting.   She certainly knows the dark side of Chattanooga.    Now it's time for me to put my feet up and celebrate.   I'm thinking I may even be bad and have a beer.  Thanks to all of you who supported me through the writing of this book and supported me through last week's drama.  You all were part of making this book possible.


Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

"The Plan"

I'll go ahead and admit that I'm not always the most loved person in class. I like to bullshit with the teachers, have an opinion on a lot of subjects, and sit in the front row. I'm essentially a gunner sans the annoying asking questions part of the equation (which I would argue is essential to being a gunner and thus excludes me from their ranks). I'd also argue that I'm not a gunner because my seating on the front row stems from years of being unable to see the chalkboard because of my lack of VISION (you can re-read that blog entry here, if you want to inform yourself about how I'm blind and all) and not due to my need for the professor to see my hand. What you don't understand is that this is all part of the plan.

Let me explain: I had a couple classes I did not like my 1L year. Sure, the material wasn't that difficult, but I hated the subject. During those classes, I would make comments. And then I noticed something...because I spoke, then the teacher would NEVER CALL ON ME. EVEN WHEN I WAS UNPREPARED. (Which was essentially all the time...who am I kidding?) I went through Contracts 1 and 2 without EVER.BEING.CALLED.UPON. (And this is a lady who literally checked people off as she went along.)

Genius, right?


Now, about my personality and the realization that doing this could make me potentially unpopular........

Let's not kid ourselves--law students are a particularly annoying bunch of people. The people that generally sat at the front of the classrooms in undergrad. The students that asked follow-up questions and made sometimes-astute-observations regarding the subject at hand. The type A personalities that freaked out and did the group presentation work all on their own. The type B personalities that fucked up your curve...quietly.

The people bitching about gunners now were almost certainly that bunch in undergrad.

And they can kiss my law-loving ass.

(Although I am inclined to want to bodyslam anyone who talks with 30 seconds remaining before the class ends.)

The Cursed House

I found this story in an old book.  The book, Ghosts in American Houses, was published in1955 and given to my grandmother in 1965.  Although this is a fascinating story, the only evidence of anyone mentioned in the story I could find outside of the story  itself was in old genealogical records.  I couldn't find any information on the famous, cursed house.

According to the story,  Phillip Noland who lived in Loudoun County, Virginia in1750 and acquired a track of beautiful land.  Noland was a rich planter whom had married into great wealth.  Noland had a grand vision of building the most extravagant house in the South.  He saw his verdant land as the perfect setting for his dream home and began construction on it.  The house would be four stories of red brick and would possess every luxury a house of this scale could possess.  It would even have a ballroom.  The house was so beautiful, that early in construction it entranced General Anthony Wayne.   Wayne and Noland became friends and Wayne followed the progress of the construction of the house with great interest. 

Years passed, and the house seemed to grow no closer to completion.   In fact, it just seemed to drain the once wealthy Noland's financial resources.  Noland's own money dwindled and then the extravagant inheritance his wife left him dwindled until the only thing Noland had left in the world was the house that seemed impossible to complete.  Many thought the house was shrouded in some kind of curse because no amount of work or money ever brought the house closer to completion.  There was a Hessian prisoner camp near by the house and when several of the Hessians escaped, the were shot dead after being chased into the house.   It was said that these men left behind their ghosts in the house.  Their ghosts rattled around inside the unfinishable house torturing Noland to his dying day.  When finally Noland died, his ghost added to the general cacophony inside the house until Wayne died and joined them.

According to the author, the house was still unfinished when he wrote his book on haunted houses in the early 1950s.  It lay in disrepair.  Its ballrooms still laid exposed to the weather and the entrance hall, that was once lit by a glass fan, was still only partially done, waiting for the ghosts inside it to finish it.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

New Semester=New Year's Resolutions

Even as a child, I always loved the first day of school. I loved new pencils and paper, new binders, new bookbags, and the smell of classrooms the first time you walked into them. I loved the new chalk, and the clean chalkboards, and the way it was still dark outside when I woke up the first time in my new grade. My mom and dad fostered this love with pancakes and Beauty and the Beast backpack, and new school clothes. And to this day, I love the first day of school.

Which is why I'm sad that tomorrow is my last first day of school. Tomorrow, I'll wake up early, ride the bus to my classes, and maybe even pack my lunch. I'm come home to a dog who's glad to see me, and with shittons of work already assigned. And, like always, I'll take this time to write a list of New Year resolutions, because, let's be real: a school year is a more definitive change than the first of the year. I'll probably break them, but for a little accountability, I figured why not put them on my blog for the entire blogging community to see? So, without fail, as I have done every single year since Kindergarten, I'm making my list:

1) I will be organized -- I make this promise every single year. I'm actually a whole lot better at the whole organization thing than I was in Kindergarten. Back then, my desk was disgusting and I forgot my homework all the time and left my lunch on the table at my house. I still do this, actually (although not as much). Perhaps this will be the year I can get a handle on everything, as I now have a lot more stuff to be responsible for and organized about. This includes my house, my car, my locker, my desk, my bookbag....well, you get the picture....

2) I will be active -- as I get older, my metabolism slows down more. I get complacent. My ass gets bigger. I'm marginally disciplined about my health, but perhaps this will be the year I actually start actively participating in sunrise yoga. I really want to. I do. But it's at 6:00 in the morning. Perhaps I'll fall back on my Jillian Michaels' yoga tape and sleep in a little more. Regardless, my dog is overweight and I'm not getting any younger, so I'm definitely resolving to start putting myself first in the health department. (No, I'm not resolving to lose weight or work out more. I actually work out more than you'd anticipate, and I'm at a very good weight. I just want my mind to be more centered, to participate in a 5K in under 27 minutes, which won't happen by itself, and not forgo the gym to finish that brief.)

3) I will figure out what I want to be when I grow up -- this is a first on the list. The clock's now ticking. Obviously, I will be a lawyer. I enjoy criminal law. I also like eating. I'm not that picky, but as there are limited career options out there for me, I'd really like to find something that I enjoy doing and not make peanuts doing it. I've even considered auditioning at a cattle call for one of the legal dramas. Maybe even write for one. God knows I'm not lacking in the imagination department. Regardless, I'd like to pursue a career. And anyone who has watched Chris Rock's standup routine knows there is a difference between a career and a job.

4) I will read for my classes -- let's  not kid ourselves. This one will probably fall by the wayside at least a time or two. Or five. Don't judge me. 

5) I will make memories -- I have a limited amount of friends. My mom likes to say I'm socially inept. She's right. I find a few, and I'm good with that. So this year, I'm saying fuck making new friends (because I may, and I may not), and building memories with the ones I've got.

I'm sure I'll add to this list, and I'm going to make a list of more insignificant things that will play second fiddle to these. Regardless, this is going to be a good year.

Because I said so.

The Devil Lived In New Orleans

It is not surprising to think of the devil living in New Orleans.  The city is not known for being pure of heart.  It seems an apt setting for the demon to live among us.   The devil made no secret of his address while living in New Orleans.  He lived at 1319 St Charles Avenue in the 1820's.  According to legend,  the mansion at this address went up overnight, as if by magic.  One day there was nothing there and the next there was an ornate mansion.  The mansion is said to have been built so quickly that it made little sense inside.  Every room is on a different floor and stairs go off in all directions.  

The devil built this house for his mistress, Madeline Freneau, whom he kept in lavish luxury.  Sadly, Ms. Freneau was not a very smart young woman and her fate was sealed by her utter stupidity.  The devil was a busy demon and Ms. Freneau found herself lonely and bored.   She took another lover, Alcide Cancienne.  Ms. Freneau wasn't smart enough to consider the diabolical nature of her first lover nor to even bother to trying to keep her affair that secret.  Alcide dined openly with Ms. Frenau in the beautiful dining room and when a strange man in a cape asked him if he knew Ms Freneau, Alcide told the stranger he was Ms. Freneau's lover.   That night at dinner,  Alcide told his lovely mistress that the devil had told him he could have Ms. Freneau and 1000 dollars if they would take the name Mr. and Mrs. L.   Ms. Freneau was delighted and told Alcide they should be together forever.  Alcide laughed at the beautiful young woman and told her he was bored with her and wouldn't keep her even for 1000 dollars.  Madeline was furious and lept across the table and killed Alcide.  The devil came in laughing.  He delighted in the horrific scene and promptly ate both Alcide and Madeline.

For many years after this,  the house on St. Charles Avenue sat empty, but eventually a few intrepid families dared to occupy the mansion.  The reports of the haunting there were terrifying.  Apparently, the fateful dinner would replay over and over again in front of residents in phantom form and both Alcide and Madeline's ghosts haunted the house.   Some say that the image of the devil himself was imbedded on the outside of the house and that blood would drip from his open mouth.  The house on St. Charles Avenue was demolished years ago, but it is still unsettling to think that the devil lived in New Orleans.

I found this wonderful ghost story in Haunted America, a collection of American ghost stories.  I have been unable to find any other sources for this story, but I'm still looking because this is a fabulous piece of folklore.  I also have to wonder if the lovely hotel that now sits at this address wouldn't have a few lingering affects if this story were true. 

Busy Busy

Busy week just gone.

Monday, my wife offered my services to go and paint the church hall. As a non-churchgoer I was surprised they couldn't find any volunteers from the congregation. Blessed are the painters and decorators.

Tuesday we went to check on my mum who is 90 in a few weeks and just decided at the eleventh hour that she is too frail to attend her grandson's wedding. Fair enough really. If you can't please yourself at that age when can you?

Wednesday was our first visit this year to Nottingham Theatre Royal's classic thriller season. Death By Fatal Murder was a spoof Agatha Christie-type murder mystery. Next week it's the more conventional Strangers On A Train. Looking forward to that.

Thursday was results day at the college where I work during exam season. Some happy faces. Some not so happy. Not a good idea to let your mum tag along when you know you've not done very well. At least use the bus ride home to think up some excuses.

Friday was the wedding. My son, Robert and Poppy, his bride. Under the bandstand at Sheffield's Weston Park. Glorious weather. Couldn't have been better. Even the guy who wandered into the tent and helped himself to a drink while we were outside having photos taken gave the day an unusual talking point. A few coppers amongst the guests managed to send him on his way. Could be an idea for a story...

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Haunted by the Living

I began working on Haunted Chattanooga a little over a year ago.  At the time,  I didn't have a firm book contract and I wasn't sure what region I would write about, but I knew I wanted to write about Tennessee.   I was lucky enough (I thought) to be brought to a wonderful haunted place in Tennessee and was thrilled to be able to include it my new book.  At the time,  I was also thrilled that  Haunted North Alabama would be out soon.  I talked at length about Haunted North Alabama and my books to come to all involved in traveling to this haunted location.  I was a new writer and I had that glow that can only come from a writer who is soon to publish their first book.  I interviewed the staff at our location and they were pleasant, friendly, and kind.  I told them about my writing and how excited I was to be able to write about their location.  This was still somewhat new for me and I was thrilled.  I took pictures.  The staff even posed for the pictures.  I still have these photographs.  Photos of happy staff that were happy to be interviewed and photographed inside their haunted location.  When I look at these photos now, they seem wrong.  They seem crooked. 

Time passed.  It takes a long time to write and publish a book and my publisher is actually very fast.  I have an excellent publisher.   A year later, my new book is coming out!  Haunted Chattanooga will be released this week.  I was thrilled again, until I got an angry email from the staff at my haunted location demanding money for the photographs they let me take last year.  In fact, they are demanding far more money than I have made on the book.  They are demanding more money than I will ever make from the book.  They say they didn't ever give me permission to photograph their location and that no releases were signed. They are saying that unless we pay more money than any of us have, they will come after us about the photos they once so happily posed for, they didn't give us permission to take or use these photos.  So,,,,, now it seems Haunted Chattanooga could be stopped by the happy staff that once welcomed me. Their smiling photographs are now a bitter reminder of the duplicitous nature of the living.  I'm leaving names and locations out of this blog for obvious reasons.  I don't want to make anyone mad, but on a day like today, writing seems like the best coping skill I have to deal with the stress associated with living people.   I really wish I could just deal with the ghosts.  The supernatural is never this hostile.  In truth, I'm spoiled.  I've been lucky enough to spend most of my adult life around pleasant happy people that are honest and forthright.  I've been to hundreds of haunted locations and the staff and owners of these locations have always been welcoming.  Some of the locations I've visited even have my books in their gift shops.  One place asked me to do a book signing during one of their paranormal tours.  I have only seen the good people associated with the paranormal world.   Perhaps that is why these events are taking me so much by surprise and really making me question whether or not I want to write another Haunted book.   The biggest irony is that the ghosts I sought at this location filled me with no dread or fear, but the living staff at this location have kept me up night after night. They are haunting me and I find myself wishing I had a nice ghost instead, or at least a drink.  I wish pregnant women could drink.....

Nigeria Extradites Man Accused of Scamming Law Firms Out of $31M

Original Post

By Debra Cassens Weiss

Nigeria has extradited a man accused of scamming more than 80 law firms and lawyers out of $31 million in a debt collection ruse.

Nigeria’s anti-graft agency announced the extradition of Emmanuel Ekhator to the United States on Friday, the Associated Press reports. He is one of several people accused of participating in a fraud ring. Charging documents say the ring not only collected $31 million in the scam, it also tried without success to defraud 300 other lawyers and firms out of $100 million.

The scam worked this way: One scammer would contact a law firm for help collecting a debt. Another person posing as the debtor would send a fake check to the law firm, which would take its fee before sending the remainder to the client. If the scam goes according to plan, the so-called client gets the money before the fake check is discovered.

According to a superseding indictment (PDF), victims included several Pennsylvania law firms, a Canadian law firm and an Alabama law firm.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

The Story of Crackers

My dog is my best friend. She snores to remind me I'm not in the house alone. She growls when someone she doesn't trust comes near me. And she inexplicably hates sorority girls, particularly in large groups. We're almost the same person.

My boyfriend found Crackers on the side of the road one night while cruising at high speeds during a "break" from work (aka: he excused himself from work and decided to go for a joy ride). She ran out in front of his car not once, but TWICE. And then he put her in his sports car (his baby, honestly), where she promptly pissed in the seat....because she, like me, probably had no idea what to do in a car with leather seats. (And of course the logical thing is pissing in it, am I right?!?)

I'll still remember when he woke me up at three in the morning, standing in the doorway of my room, with a dog in his arms. He looked helpless. The dog looked pitiful. And I thought I was hallucinating. I'm pretty sure I said something like "You've GOT to be kidding me." And the rest of the night, we slept on the couch with the dog beside us, stirring at every noise because I was afraid she was going to give my carpet the sports car "treatment."

We found her a home with one of Leonidas' friends, and I should have known better, because he (and I quote) "expected him {his DOG} to train the new addition" to their family. I got Crackers back after three weeks, because they couldn't handle her.

In that time, they did nothing to help the few things already wrong with her, and added a few new problems to the mix. She had a rub mark two inches wide on her neck from when we found her--left untreated, of course. She had a fly lay eggs in her nose, which got infected while in their care. She picked up worms in their backyard (ew, ew, EWWWWWW). They had done nothing about her "heat spots" (aka: bald patches), and had not taken her to a vet for her vaccinations or to be spayed. Then they gave her back to us, because she pooped in their floor. Keep in mind, she was a six month old puppy who hadn't received any training from them because they were stupid enough to think their fucking DOG would do it. They left her outside most the time. At night, they locked her in a cage in the garage (while their other dog slept in their bed).

So poor Crackers returned to me. And for the first few months, it was difficult. House and kennel training a dog are never easy. She sheds more than a dog EVER should. As I said before, she snores....loudly at times. She wakes me up at seven o'clock every morning whining because she's hungry and has to be fed immediately. Last night, she woke me up at two because she was hungry then and I hallucinated it to be seven o'clock. She's about five pounds overweight, even though we go on two mile runs all the time. Once, she jumped out of the car window....while it was moving.

But she also curls into a little ball at the back of my knees while I sleep. And she cuddles with me when I'm sick. And keeps my feet warm in the winter. She listens when I'm bitching, and doesn't judge me. She eats bugs. She keeps my kitchen floor clean.

And she lets me hold her like a baby when I feel like crap. All fifty pounds of her.

All things considered, she's pretty awesome.

And I'm pretty lucky.

It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Halloween

When I was a kid, my mother never let me decorate for Halloween until it was 2 weeks before Halloween.  She would see Halloween decorations out at the end of September and roll her eyes like the stores had lost their mind for putting Halloween decoration out for sale so early.  Times have changed.   Everywhere I go I see the signs of my favorite holiday.  Old Time Pottery Barn has aisles of Halloween decorations and Cracker Barrel glows with a ghoulish light.  Ghosts haunt the dollar store and all the small corners of stores are beginning to whisper of phantoms and hauntings.  It is already beginning to look like Halloween.  Here are a few samples of the Halloween toys I've seen out so far.

China Steel Corporation Lawyer

Nice. Just the essential things needed before we start running our check scam.

China Steel Corporation (CSC).

HEAD OFFICE 1 Chung-Kang Road,

Siaogang District, Kaohsiung

81233, Taiwan, R.O.C.


i. Introduction.

My Name is Mele M. Fohe. I am the new Assistant Publicity Manager of

China Steel Corporation (CSC). We need a reputable firm, Company/Individual

like you to represent our Company in Debt Collection/litigation in

North America states, Asia, Africa And Europe.

ii. Requirement (Contact Information):

1. Full Names:

2. Company Name:

3. Full Contact Address:

4. Tel and Fax Numbers:

If interested, please email us immediately at csgrep003@dishmail.net

or csgtrep003@gmail.com

Contact Person: J.S. Tsou


China Steel Corporation

Tel: +886-7-802-1111

Email: csgrep003@dishmail.net


Website: www.csc.com.tw

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

::Grumbles under breath:: Can't trust them, THEY ALL LIE

You put yourself out there. Give them a list of your achievements, likes, talents, and abilities. They call you. You meet.

And everything seems to go great. He/she says he/she will call.

So you wait by your phone.


With bated breath.


The days tick by....and you realize he/she will NEVER CALL.

And no, I'm not talking about a first date. I'm talking about a job interview.

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

With interest

My father, Danny, did not go to college. Yes, it was a different time. Yes, he has had to work his way up the ladder. But let me tell you, he's got something a lot of people of my generation do not have: work ethic (and a damn good job). Nowadays people expect a college diploma to double as an example of their work ethic....or the work ethic itself. And friends, a college degree does not a hard worker make.

Students throughout America are facing record amounts of student loan debt. College is not looked at as a privilege anymore....it's expected. And a college degree is now the equivalent of a high school diploma. Unfortunately, what most people do not realize is that many degrees are completely unnecessary for the field they wish to go into, and that they would almost certainly be better served to spend four (or five) years receiving valuable work-related experience than throwing their money away learning how to properly participate in a kegstand or getting their general studies degrees. That is not to say a college degree is not valuable, but for many, it's unnecessary and expensive. If you want to be a doctor, you should go to college. If you want to be a plumber.....maybe you should get an apprenticeship or go to trade school (which is NOT embarrassing--I don't think I'll ever understand the elitist attitude about trade schools). And FYI, plumbers don't do too badly as far as salary goes.

Seeing as how I'm a law student, you can imagine I've taken on a little bit of debt. Around me, I see people wracking up thousands of dollars in debt. I see them taking out Student Plus loans because the regular loan amount just won't cut it for them. I am allowed roughly $11,000 per semester worth of student loans (and of that, just under half is subsidized and the other is not). My tuition costs about $5000 a semester, which is on the EXTREMELY LOW END for law schools. If I were taking out the maximum amount of student loans, I would graduate about $66,000 in the hole. The past few semesters, I have taken only the subsidized loans, meaning my loans are NOT accruing interest while I am in school. Which also means I receive about $4500 per semester, an amount that doesn't even fully cover my tuition. I'm blessed that my parents cover the rest of my expenses. Because of this, I strive to keep my living expenses low. Well, actually, I'm just a cheap person, but that's neither here nor there.

I went to undergrad at a public school. My mom pushed me to apply (literally) for every scholarship for which I was eligible. So I did. Because of this, everything was paid for. Everything. And I didn't even qualify for need-based aid (so don't give me that pitiful excuse). Since I was able to graduate debt-free from undergrad, my parents feel no qualms about helping me out in law school. I got a job my third year of undergrad when I decided to live off campus--to pay for basic living expenses. I was not too good to wait tables, and I learned a lot about diplomacy doing so. I used my tip money to buy things I wanted, to pay my electricity and water bills, and for petty expenses. This is something almost anyone can do. Which is why I don't understand how so many people graduate from UNDERGRAD with outstanding (even incredible) amounts of debt (this is before we even get to grad school or other types of post-secondary education.)

Except I can. I saw people taking trips with their student loans. I still see people buy shittons of booze when their checks come in. They finance expensive vacations, luxuries, and (yes, I'VE SEEN IT) plastic surgery with their student loans. People, the madness must stop.

You are not too good for a job in a service field. You are not too good to go to a public school. And you are certainly not entitled to blow through student loans like monopoly money. Colleges that cost 40K a semester are not necessary. Student loan debt, to some degree, may be necessary. But an undergraduate debt of $100,000? No, that's not necessary. Especially considering you most likely took on this debt by going to an expensive private school that provided no better education than one you could receive from a public university.

If you decide to take on student loans, consider the type of job you'll have in the future. Ask yourself realistically if you'll be able to pay off the loans you incur with the job position for which you will qualify. Compare universities and ask yourself if they offer a unique degree program or unbeatable statistics regarding the type of education you wish to pursue. Hunt for scholarship opportunities, sign up for a student work program, and inquire about receiving in-state tuition. Never take out more than is necessary.

Because student loans? They never go away.

And you will have to pay them back in full......with interest.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Peggy's New Email

Dear Counsel,

I urgently seek your legal services on Divorce settlement issue.

I would appreciate your prompt reply if your services are available so we can commence.


Ms Peggy Higashi

email: peggyh91@yahoo.cn

Ghosts and Cocktails

In my opinion, the best ghost stories always come out at gatherings.  The lights are dim and everyone has had a few cocktails.  Tongues are loosened and people suddenly feel much closer.   They admit to things in these intimate settings that they would never admit to in the brighter light of day.  Secrets slip out and skeptics say things like, "I don't believe in ghosts but I had this experience once......."

I have been to a lot of gatherings like this over the last week, but only during one of them did ghosts come out.  The first story told around our glasses of  white wine was a haunted house story.   One of my lady friends talked about her father's house.  She said it had been haunted for years and everyone seemed to accept this, but she described the strange nights of dread she had spent in this old farm house  The house was built around 1920 and old ghosts sleep in the shadows there.  She described one night in which her son and she were sleeping in the bed together.  Her son was in front of her asleep and she went to sleep quickly.  When she awoke, she felt someone moving behind her.   In her dream state, she thought it was her son.  She felt him against her back, but as she became fully awake she realized her son was in front of her.  She sat up in bed in a panic and the light flicked on by itself.   Although she felt no hostility from the spirit,  she was still terrified and unnerved.

Another lady confessed that spirits often come to her.   She has had many experiences throughout her life with the supernatural and she doesn't talk about them because she thinks most people will think she is crazy or strange.  She prefers keeping them to herself.   She told two stories.  The first story was in a new house.  She says that she was alone in the house when she heard a loud repetitive banging in the attic.  The noise became louder and louder.  It was late at night and she was alone, so she became afraid it might be a burglar.  She called the police.  They searched the attic and found nothing.  The house was empty and there was no explanation for the noise.  She told another story in which she awoke and saw a spirit standing at the foot of her bed.  She asked the spirit, "What do you want?"  and it answered her, "I mean you no harm."

The party ended and  the stories were forgotten.  We won't mention them again, but cocktail ghost stories are always my favorite, because they are the secret ones that will never be known publicly.  They are the ones that people keep to themselves to avoid being called weird.  I love ghost stories and cocktails.

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

What my Netflix account says about me....

Netflix tracks the types of movies you watch. It asks you to rate them on a star system as well. And then it generates lists of more movies you may like. Since I have put my movies in, and added some Leonidas would like, then topped it off by placating Calvin (remember, my little brother?) with some weird-looking cancelled-after-ten-episodes cartoon, I've got a pretty random array of suggestions.

And I'm trying to not let my feelings be hurt.....which is pretty hard, considering they've pegged me as liking "Understated TV dramas featuring a strong female lead." Their main suggestion? MURDER.SHE.WROTE.

You know, the show with the seven hundred year old woman? (I think she was in Hooke.) Or maybe the Bible. Who knows?

Another suggestion? MISS.MARPLE.

Don't be worried folks, because I apparently like "Raunchy Dysfunctional-Family TV Comedies" too. You know, like South Park (which I do), the Cult of Cartman (which I was unaware of until this time but just added to my instant queue), and Family Guy.

Wait...what? FAMILY GUY? My hatred is best summed up by the South Park episode that makes fun of Family Guy under the guise of an old Laverne and Shirley episode. And seals.

I'm going to ignore the "Inspiring Coming of Age movies for 11-12" like Free Willy and the Black Stallion....when I was 12 and now, I still felt like killing myself while watching those movies. Wild animals in captivity? No thanks.

I'm pretty sure the first description is meant for me...a 90 year old woman confined to her home, sitting on her couch with a blanket in her lap, with her humidifier on, watching Murder She Wrote.

Although maybe I could pretend to be the 11-12 year old that needs some inspiration by seeing animals caged much like I'm metaphorically caged in by overbearing parents that don't understand anything?

Or maybe I'd prefer to be the immature 15 year old guy sitting in the basement, huffing paint, and watching Family Guy (because frankly, that's probably the only way that show will ever be amusing).

Netflix, I'm afraid you know me too well.

And that, quite frankly, is terrifying.

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011


I didn't wake up until almost eleven today. I stayed up way too late last night watching Netflix. Then I watched more Netflix.

So after finally finishing the entire first season of Conviction (the spinoff show to Law and Order: SVU), I realize that they ONLY.SHOT.ONE.SEASON. ::this is me, falling to my knees, screaming Stella, only instead of screaming Stella and having raped my wife's sister, I'm screaming Aleeeex and realizing others can only see so many criminals walk before they get tired of a show::

Now, I realize this show had a bit more gratuitous sex than was necessary. And I realize that they were showing the harsh realities of prosecutorial work. And I realize that SVU generally shows the bad guy getting put away.

In reality, a lot of crime is never reported. Of those crimes, only slamdunks are generally brought to trial. Sometimes you have cases of public outrage like the Casey Anthony trial, and you see how that ended up. For the most part, rapists seem to serve about seven years. Even child rapists. Murders often are charged with second degree murder instead of first degree, which (in all actuality) they deserve, and they are eligible for parole after about twenty.

Conviction showed this. And people didn't like that. You want truth?

People can't handle the truth.

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Black Eyed Children

Black Eyed Children are the cause of much debate.   They appeared, as if from a vacuum, in 1998, and since that time the Internet has been crowded with stories of their appearance and activity around the world.  In 1998, a reporter named Brian Bethel was working in his car.  He was sitting in his vehicle alone at night and everything around him was quiet and dark.   Out of this darkness, two children emerged.   The reporter rolled down his window to talk with them.  The children told the reporter that they had been dropped off by their parents to see a movie, but they had no money and had begun the walk home.  The begged the reporter to help them and let them into his car with him.  The reporter was somewhat put off by the appearance of the children in the night and although his first impulse was to let the children in, something in his gut told him not too.   The longer Brian put off letting the children in the car, the more persistent they became.  Finally Brian peered into the darkness and noticed that the children had black eyes.   Their eyes were entirely inky black with no white or iris.  Brian became terrified and was driven by an overwhelming panic and need to run away.  The children sensed his fear and became even more aggressive in their pleas to enter the vehicle.  Finally, Brian abandoned the eerie children and went on to tell his story.

Since Brian's encounter, countless other stories like this have peppered the Internet.  One story I read on the Internet was told by a young man who skateboarding in the dark.  He was approached by two young children who claimed they were lost and asked if he could take them to his house and let them use his phone.  He offered his cell phone, but the children insisted they use his home phone.  The young man noticed the children's eyes and asked them why they were wearing contacts.  He then declined the children and went home on his own.  He was scared of the children and wanted nothing more to do with them.  When he looked out his window later that night, the two children were still watching him from the front yard.   Another story was told by a woman who was awoken in the middle of the night by two children asking for help.  They wanted to use the phone to call their parents.  The woman was overwhelmed by fear and didn't let the children in, but they stayed at her door for hours begging and pleading.

These Black Eyed Kids or BEKs  have stayed on the fringes of the paranormal and have remained so because no one really knows what to make of them.  Some people believe BEKs are part of an elaborate Internet hoax and that those telling the stories speak out on the Internet as part of this hoax.  There are others that believe the BEKs are the ghosts of lost children who wander the earth searching for safety.  Others believe they are lost souls trying to gain entrance to our lives.  Another theory states that the BEKS are demons trying to con their way into people's lives and yet another theory says they are vampires, who must get permission before entering to feed on their victims.  A final group of people argue that BEKS are the product of some bizarre alien human mating.  Whatever the truth is, the stories about these phantom, black eyed horrors are enough to send chills down your spine on the warmest nights.

Continued interest INDEED

Finished my interview.

Interviewee: "Are you free next week for a follow-up interview?"
Me: ::does internalized happy dance while jumping up and down screaming inside my head ala Sally Fields "they like me; THEY REALLY LIKE ME::

Me: I've already done my back-to-school shopping. I'm free whenever.


Smooth, real smooth.

In other news, "TDot" was right. They remembered me. And not because I'm possibly on the national "do not hire" list.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Continued interest....

Tomorrow I've got a job interview. I'd really like to get it; not because it's a field I'd particularly enjoy, but because it pays well. I somehow managed to forget I'd already interviewed for them once (last summer), and got the big N.O. I'm glad they helped remind me when they emailed me thanking me for my continued interest in their firm. I wish I could have told them no, I have a continued interest in not mooching off Maxine and Danny (which I am gleefully doing right now, to their chagrin). I have a continued interest in building my resume. I have a continued interest in learning about the law. Them? Meh; not so much.

Considering my continued interests in re-interviewing for a firm who let the doorknob hit me where the good Lord split me when I left, I've been playing out interview scenarios in my head. Best case scenario? I charm their pants off, then still get a no. Seriously. I have gotten more rejections than Jonah Hill before he struck it rich in Superbad. Worst case scenario? It's already happened:

Interviewer: So tell me what you know about the CIA. (That's who I was interviewing for. How the fuck I got past the initial resume collection is BEYOND ME.)
 Me: Not that much. Y'all must be doing your job right! 

I am not kidding. I actually said that. In an interview. With the CIA.

Good thing this isn't a governmental job.

Because I'm pretty sure I've made it on some form of a "do not hire" list.

Thursday? That's okay....

Yep, I'm linking up again with Neely and Amber this Thursday, because sometimes, you really do need to say that it's okay.

It's okay....

To want others to embrace tolerance, acceptance, and compassion.

To let your dog sleep in bed with you like a person.

That all the leaves have fallen off the trees in your backyard, making it look like fall, while it's still 100 degrees outside.

To stay in bed until 11:30 in the morning.

To fill out Sudoku puzzles out in pen.

To scratch through Sudoku puzzles when you mess up because you're filling them in with a pen.

That you've not unpacked suitcases from two weeks ago.

That you prefer Ravenclaw over Gryffindor.

To check the mail six times in one day because you're waiting on a package.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Basket Cases -- Meet Jean Pierre

I've been thinking of a few segments I can do that are bloggy, but not expected and/or trite. Luckily, this article came along just in the nick of time. INTRODUCING...

(also known as "I can't fucking believe someone actually decided to go forward with this case; I hope they are massacred in court, held accountable for bringing frivolous charges, and humiliated in the headlines of major newspapers around the world.")

In this installment, you're reminded of the extremely sad case in NY where a woman drove into the Hudson River, killing herself and her three small children. Her 10 year old managed to escape and swim to safety. Articles after this tragedy spoke of her foreboding facebook status before she committed this unspeakable act: "I'm so sorry everyone forgive me please for what I'm gonna do.... This Is It!!!!" 

Apparently her estranged baby-daddy now feels entitled to 80 million bucks from the city/county, since he has the misguided notion that CPS had the responsibility to monitor the woman who drove into the water. He also alleges that the city created a dangerous condition, as the boat ramp should have had a barrier and signs warning an ascent into the water. (For the record, wasn't she PLANNING on driving into the water? Those signs would have been useless, but that's beside the point.) A few other facts not mentioned in the article: (1) the woman had a protective order against the man bringing the lawsuit; (2) the man is not the father of the surviving child; (3) the man owes over 11K worth of child support (to another woman, supposedly); (4) CPS was monitoring the family because of allegations of abuse levied at HIM; (5) she drove into the water immediately following a heated argument with him, during which he pounded on the door and she apparently confronted him about cheating on her.

This is what makes lawyers look like scum of the Earth. Some asshole apparently thinks its okay to encourage this stupid, litigious, frivolous behavior. Quite frankly, it makes me sick. I hope the judge incarcerates baby-daddy immediately for failure to pay child support, and then I hope he throws the case out and makes the man serve more time for bringing such a stupid case. His attorney, an even bigger fuckup than his client, is quoted as saying: "He's not looking for any money out of this; he feels he was wronged by the county and by the city of Newburgh."

Oh, he isn't looking for money, huh? Riddle me this then: why is he asking for 80 million dollars? He sure as SHIT ain't donating it to charity.

I'm following this case, and I'll be quite pissed off if the city decides to settle. I'm pretty sure the city would be hard-pressed to not be disgusted with some asshole trying to profit off the death of his three children.

And that's it...in a basket(case).

Lady Jane's Ghost

The Tower of London is haunted by a multitude of ghosts.   It is no surprise that the tower crawls with ghosts, since the suffering of legions waiting for death and torture occurred in this stone structure.   The ground is saturated with the blood of those who practiced the wrong faith or followed the wrong kings.   Lady Jane Grey is one of the many ghosts that walks the halls of  The Tower of London.  She is also one of the most tragic figures that wanders the tower.

Lady Jane Grey was a victim of  her plotting uncle.  He wanted to take the throne from Mary Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII, before Mary succeeded the throne.  Lady Jane was the granddaughter of Henry VII and was thus loosely connected to the succession.  Lady Jane's uncle married her to Guildford Dudley and the two claimed the throne of England.  The two young people were idealists and believed they were taking the throne to save England from the Catholic leanings of Mary Tudor.   Jane Grey was only 16 when she took the throne.   She was deeply in love with her husband and completely unaware of weakness of her claim.   She was an intellectual who loved books and a romantic who believed that she and her husband could change England for the better.  She ruled for nine days before Mary Tudor claimed the throne.  

Jane was forced to watch her husband die before she was executed in the tower for treason.  She prayed as she was taken to the slab.   She was beheaded on Tower Hill on February 12, 1554.   Since that time she has been seen wandering the tower on many occasions.   Guildford Dudley has also been seen weeping in the tower.   The best documented siting of Lady Jane occurred on February 12, 1957.  A guard saw the phantom lady standing above him in the battlements.  He called out to the other guard and he also saw the lonely lady walking above them in the cold night air.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Wishing Wednesday (aka: LALAALA, I can't hear you)

Like I've said before, I normally don't participate in traditional blogger posts. Which is why instead of doing "What I'm loving Wednesday," I'm doing my very own "Wishing Wednesday." That means instead of being disgustingly optimistic, I can also throw in tons of realism and pessimism and essentially bend it to whatever I want it to be. Which I like. So here goes....I'm wishing:

1) For more rain. (The slight relief from triple digit heat records makes my days a little better.)

2) That highlights were less expensive. I can't AFFORD to look hot. Even if I wanted to. Which I do. But instead, my hair looks dank, greasy, or just plain mousy. Boo to the fabulous hairdressers holding my pocketbook for ransom! BOO!

3) That I were more inclined to get off my ass and actually do something rather than watch SVU episodes on Netflix all day long. This includes feeding myself.

4) That school was not right around the corner. I need more time. I don't know for what, since I've managed to waste the past two months I've been given, but it's kinda terrifying thinking that after this year, I will be expected--nay, DEMANDED--to be a contributing member of society. I don't like that one bit.

5) That my friends were back in town. I'm getting bored having no incentive to wash my dank hair and get off my ass watching SVU. Have I mentioned that already? Oh, that's right. I have.

This summer has been a great one, and probably one of the last I will truly have to myself until I'm nearly dead too old to enjoy it. I managed to vacay, do some other super-secretive (and identifying) stuff, help Leonidas move out of his apartment, and not kill hang out with my family. My little bro (Calvin) starts school tomorrow, people.

I guess it could always be worse.

Here's to wishing Calvin a great first day of school, and hoping for margaritas in my near future.

China Steel Lawyer

China Steel Corporation (CSC).

HEAD OFFICE 1 Chung-Kang Road,

Siaogang District, Kaohsiung

81233, Taiwan, R.O.C.


i. Introduction.

My Name is Wurzel Michael Anthony. I am the Publicity Manager of China

Steel Corporation (CSC). We need a reputable firm, Company/Individual

like you to represent our Company in Debt Collection/litigation in

North America states, Asia, Africa And Europe.

ii. Requirement (Contact Information):

1. Full Names:

2. Company Name:

3. Full Contact Address:

4. Tel and Fax Numbers:

If interested, please email us immediately at csgrep003@dishmail.net

or csgtrep003@gmail.com

Contact Person: J.S. Tsou


China Steel Corporation

Tel: +886-7-802-1111

Email: csgrep003@dishmail.net


Website: www.csc.com.tw

The Death's Dream Kingdom Free Book Winner!

A few weeks ago, when my book came out in print,  I had a little party. For this party, I said I would give away a free copy of my new book to one of my readers.  I had a few entries and it is time to announce the winner.   In order to select the winner,  I used an ancient selection technique that most of us have been using as long as we can remember.   I used the inny miny miney moe technique and selected Adsila as the winner of the free book!  Adsila is well known for her beautiful blog Above the Norm (http://above-the-norm.blogspot.com/).   I will be popping by her blog to let her know she won today.

Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to all of my readers and those who have helped me spread the word about my new novel.  You are all wonderful and deserve many more prizes than I can afford to give you. 

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Advice for incoming 1Ls....

You're going to get a long list of things you should do when you enter law school. I figured you'd need a list of things you should NOT do upon entering law school.

1) Do not hook up with anyone at the law school for at least three months. I've never eaten at the proverbial place where I shit, so to speak. That doesn't mean some people don't. If you are considering doing this, wait at least three months for the "new" sheen to wear off and allow you to see most of your legal cohorts for what they are....assholes who will most likely tell of your lack of bedroom prowess while getting sloppy drunk then calling you from the bar to pick him/her up for a little late night (shitty) bootay. Refrain. People like to gossip in law school....in fact, they act worse than middle schoolers. Except now, instead of hearing how Suzy likes Johnny, you are overhearing stories about Stacey's mismatched boobs and affinity for cracking a (non-proverbial) whip over the backs of unsuspecting 1Ls. Don't be a Stacey, people.

2) Do NOT run out and buy every single casebook on your reading list (especially at the bookstore). A lot of people would do a heck of a lot better in classes if they set aside some money for Emanuel's Crunchtime rather than that 200 dollar casebook they haven't touched all semester. Be honest with yourself....are you even going to show up to classes? If the answer is maybe, then speak to some upperclassmen, ask them if the professor even expects you to read or mostly lectures the entire time, then get some tips as to the best study guide for the class. While you're at it, ask for someone's old notes.

3) Do not outline....if it's not for you. Not everyone is an outliner. I am one of those people who would rather jump off a building rather than outline (and who gets about the same studying effect out of the two). Some people like to organize their notes in outline form. Some like to make flashcards. Some have photographic memories. Those with the photographic memories can fuck themselves. Everyone else....find out what works for you. Outlines (as hyped as they are) may not be the answer.

4) Do not be afraid to ask a question in class. I don't give two flying rat turds about being called a gunner. If asking a sincere question about something (if you HAVE READ...if you haven't, assume it's in the material, scan the material, then ask after class because otherwise, your classmates will --rightly-- want to pop a cap in your ass) qualifies you as a gunner, then so be it. That being said, don't ask a question that rephrases the last thing the professor said in hopes of making yourself look good to the professor. It makes you look like a tool.

5) Do NOT get shitty drunk at the first bar review. Without fail, at least one 1L gets a DWI after my school's first bar review. A few years ago, a person got one on a moped. Don't be that person (because you'll be remembered, but not in a good way. Maybe in an epic way, but trust me, you don't want to be the moped guy).

6) In fact, DO NOT drink and drive at all. There's another person I know that supposedly hit a police cruiser on her way back from the bar. Another person I know had a breathalyzer in his truck. And yet another had to ask everyone for rides because he had no license due to DUIs. This sucks, you have to divulge it to the Bar and future employers, and it shows up in a background scan. Plus your pictures are in the police database. And if you think those pictures don't circulate....think again. I know many people who have made them their computer's backgrounds.

7) Do not rely on other people's outlines to get a good grade in a class. People make outlines to retain information. You reading an outline may help a bit, but putting in the time to make that outline was what earned that person the A in the class. Don't kid yourself.

8) Don't expect to be one of the few A's in the class. At my school, we are graded on a B- curve. This sucks, because it means A's are in short abundance (and that our GPA averages are lower than the national average). While it's awesome to aspire to a good grade, just remember there are a lot more B- grades than A's.....and that someone has to be on the bottom of the bell curve.

I've got lots more, but this is probably the best advice I can offer. Have fun, read for class, and make friends outside of law school. Trust me, you'll need them.

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

The Possession of Joseph and Theolbald Bruner

Most cases of possession can ultimately be explained by medical and psychological causes, but in some cases there is no easy medical answer and the supernatural is the only reasonable answer.  The case of Joseph and Theobald Bruner was a a tragic one that baffled all the medical professionals of the time.   Their case is one of the most striking and violent cases of demonic possession ever recorded.  The records of the local priest say that the possession began when both boys began drawing pictures of devils and demons on the walls in their bedroom.  They would whisper to the demons at night and treat them as friends.   Shortly after, the boys began going through terrible physical contortions.  Their limbs would lock together in unnatural positions and they couldn't be unlocked.   They would arch their backs backward in impossible positions and speak in languages they had never heard.

The symptoms became worse with time and eventually their bodies would begin to bloat.   Shortly after the bloating, the boys would vomit a lovely mixture of foam, feathers, and seaweed.   They vomited all manner of things they had never eaten and many of the objects they vomited weren't even available at the house they lived in.  The boys were constantly covered in seaweed and feathers and vomit no matter how often they were cleaned. Their beds levitated and objects in the room around them were flung about inexplicably.  The boys also gained psychic abilities and were able to predict the deaths of people in the village.  The boys parents eventually sent the boys away for the exorcism ritual and spent the rest of their lives at the St. Charles Orphanage.  During their stay at the orphanage they told the nuns that they were "The Lord of Darkness."  It took four years to exorcise the boys, during which time they lived in constant torment

Even after the exorcism, there was no happy ending for the two cursed children.  One boy died shortly after the exorcism at the age of 16 and the other boy died at 25.   The case of the Bruner boys still baffles people to this day.   Assuming that the priests and witnesses weren't lying, no natural explanation for what happened to the Bruners has been found.  If their case wasn't an elaborate hoax perpetrated by an entire village, orphanage, and the clergy,  it is one of the most conclusive cases of possession.

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Summer's Here

We seem to be well served with writers' clubs where I live.

Trowell Writers have packed up until September. We had our annual summer fuddle on Monday night. A few sandwiches, cakes, sausage rolls.

Nottingham Writers Club also has a summer break. Wednesday was their social and took the form of a murder mystery night. A few nibbles also on offer.

Erewash Writers held a two-hour workshop over Wednesday lunchtime. I'm not a member here but they often take part in some of the Trowell events and vice versa. A couple of us paid our £3 and went along. I thought it was two hours well spent.

Just results day coming up in a couple of weeks and that will be the last of my duties at college until the retakes in January.

With all these 'seasons' coming to an end it feels like old fashioned school holidays at the moment. And with the news that the story I sold to T-a-B Fiction Feast back in April has finally appeared in the latest (September) issue plus the fact that I've sold another to That's Life! (Australia) I'm starting to get into holiday mood.

Old Photographs with Old Orbs

Although I have always loved a good ghost story, for many years of my life, I wrote off all paranormal experiences as part of my overactive imagination.  I was a rationalist.  In many ways,  I still am.  I always look for natural explanations for everything before  I look to supernatural.  It is only when there is no other explanation that I will look to other answers.   When I lived in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, I was plagued by a series of bizarre occurrences that I explained away with whatever natural explanations I could.  I still explain them away.  I honestly can't believe that house was haunted.

For example, one night I was watching television and the garage door just started opening and closing over and over again.  I couldn't get it to stop.  I mashed the button and yelled at it but it kept going.  I figured the damned thing was broken.  It finally stopped and worked fine after that, but mechanical malfunctions happen, right?   Another night all the electronic toys in the living room started going off at the same time.  Remote control cars buzzed around the room and toy Buzz Lightyear's screamed out about infinity and beyond.  A cow flashlight bellowed "moo"  over and over again.  I laughed.  It was funny.  I don't remember how I explained that one, but it made a lot of sense.  Similar things happened often in that house, but it was a new house and I didn't think it was haunted.  One night I did panic.  The garage door opened and I couldn't get it to close.  Every time I closed it, it just opened again.   It really freaked me out, but what are you going to do?  In the morning it was OK.   We moved,  I forgot about all these oddities and I had wonderful explanations for all of these types of events even if I can't remember them now.

However,  as I went through some old photo albums,  I found a series of wonderful photographs in that house with some lovely orbs.   Orbs in no way prove the presence of the supernatural, but I find their presence interesting and they make me wonder if maybe all my explanations weren't wrong?  Who knows?  They are lovely orbs.  I'm not going to put them all here because I was much better back then and I have them glued in scrapbooks I hate to destroy, but I placed one on the top of this page.  All the photos look similar. Some of the orbs almost have little faces in them. 

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Adderall is NOT for all

A few months ago, I became highly incensed at someone over at the Bitter Lawyer's blog when she referenced the casual and illegal use of Adderall, then discussed how she was in constant search of a prescription (you can find that blog here). My response went something like this (okay, exactly like this):

This makes me sick. I’m mostly very easygoing about most subjects, but it pisses me off when people abuse prescription drugs to gain an advantage over other people. People that actually need Adderall face a negative stigma because of people like you–those that abuse it just to churn out the work.

If you need Adderall, that is one thing. But to shamelessly act as if you are entitled to it because you want to get ahead? It, quite frankly, pisses me off. 

Now allow me to explain why I get so angry about this particular subject. Two years ago, I began law school. I have always been highly hyperactive, although for the most part, I used my excess energy to achieve other things. Many assumed I was medicated, and many others recommended that I medicate (to which I always politely asked where they received their medical degrees and why they were working in such a low-paying field since they were a DOCTOR). But I digress...

As I said, I began law school two years ago. I loved it. I still do. Loved everything about it...including the people....all of them....for approximately 2.5 months.

Then it went downhill really, really, REALLY quickly.

You see, most people don't understand that ADHD comes in three different types: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined. For the most part, when people think of ADHD, they think of children bouncing all over the damn walls asking too many questions and never paying attention. That's combined ADHD, and the most common type, which is why most people think of it when ADHD comes to mind.

I am hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. I'm no longer ashamed of it. For a very long time, I assumed my symptoms were merely due to a Type A personality. It wasn't until I went to law school and began to run into the severe social stigma associated with these symptoms that I began realizing it could potentially be a problem. Hence the downhillishness (which was straight up Elle Woods style--aka: take your damn muffins and go away; we don't want you in our study group). In fact, most people do not realize that many people diagnosed with ADHD do not medicate to focus better, but to become more acceptable and in-line with societal expectations.

I finally broke when I had a group of "mean girl" law students (and I'm talking women in their 20's and 30's) send a "representative" mean girl over to one of my few friends to tell her if my "behavior" continued, then they would be contacting the teacher of a particular class to essentially tattle on me.

This came shortly after the beginning of my second semester in law school. Grades had been announced, and (SURPRISE) I had not done nearly as well as I would have liked. I had approximately two friends in law school, and had been abandoned by all of my initial group of friends when the hustle began for first semester final exam studying.

Mind you, my behavior was not over the top. However, hyperactivity and impulsiveness is not easily managed, and pisses a few people off. Although I would argue others should really (REALLY) become more tolerable to the differences in others and should strive to accept others, the harsh reality was that my symptoms, although acceptable to almost everyone around me, had a couple of others willing to come forward and essentially try to ruin my life.

I went to the psychology center on campus and started testing for my problems with Tom, an incredible grad student who didn't just test, but also dug in depth to my past and current problems. (A lot of people are also misdiagnosed with ADHD when they really have depression, FYI.) I explained to him how unfair I thought it was that I was the one who should be considering medicine, when others should have just considered tolerance, and that's when his counseling came in. If anyone has seen the Glee episode where Emma speaks to a Psychiatrist/Psychologist (fittingly, from the episode named "Acceptance"), his speech was VERY similar to that. However, he was a bit more understanding as well, because he said IT WASN'T FAIR. It shouldn't be me who has to change. He explained to me in many ways, my brain had already rewired to get along more easily in society. He was the one who explained to me how many people who are ADHD medicate in order to meet societal expectations (for those of you that think it's about studying or paying attention in class...it's a LOT more than that). And it's because of him I was officially diagnosed ADHD....

Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, to be exact. That means that I have trouble controlling my impulses (like speaking out in class or eating six cupcakes when I'm not hungry). It means that I go at a faster speed than a lot of people. And yes, sometimes I do have trouble concentrating, because I have impulses to do OTHER THINGS. Or because I get so caught up on one little detail, that I miss the big picture (which is hell on a law school exam).

Because of my diagnosis, I was now able to speak to a psychiatrist about medicine. I did go to one on campus, and he was also incredible. We spoke at length about how I didn't want to medicate and become another person. I told him I didn't want medicine just to be able to do better in school. And I also expressed (again) my frustration regarding others' reactions around me.

I'm now on a low-dosage of Adderall. In some ways, it has helped immensely. I can sit down and listen to a teacher without feeling the need to ask questions. I don't get hung up on the small details nearly as much anymore. And I still feel like myself.

But let me tell you, it should never have come down to others FORCING me to take action because of my symptoms. I should never have been made to feel like a terrible person because of things I couldn't help. And even though the medicine does help, it still incenses me that I broke down in tears many times because of a bunch of mean girls threatening me about something over which I had no control.

I didn't intend for this blog to become my own personal story about my battles with Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder, but now that it's out, I feel a lot better. If you are having problems, I urge you to seek counseling. Medicine is not everything, and does not heal all, but talking to someone definitely does.

And it's nothing to feel ashamed about.

I have dubious tastes....but IT'S OKAY

I normally don't do linkups, because I'm not a huge part of the blogging community, being that I'm new and all. However, today, I found one to be worthwhile thanks to Ty and Neely. So without further ado, here it is....

IT'S OKAY.....

to want to dropkick people that have pictures of themselves "planking" (when they really are just laying there like a friggin' piece of wood).

to expect children to say thank you, please, ma'am and sir, and excuse me.

to occasionally eat chocolate for breakfast....

that you were 23 before you properly learned to spell the word "judgment".... (and it took law school to do it).

when it storms....and you just washed your car....by hand....

to wish really bad Karma on really bad people under your breath.

to delete people from Facebook on the basis that they don't know the difference between your/you're; two/to/too; and their/there/they're...

to have 19 little black dresses hanging in your closet...

to laugh at your own jokes.

to spend all day watching Law and Order, SVU marathons....(have I mentioned they are ALL on Netflix?!!??!?!)

to not bathe because you're watching a marathon of Law and Order, SVU marathons and you can't shower fast enough to do it in a commercial break....

to secretly like the song "Chicken Fried."

to want to grow up to be a movie star AND a lawyer.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011


Fringelology is an exploration of the paranormal by award winning journalist Steve Volt.  Steve Volt explores the world of the paranormal with a cautious eye in this fun book.  The book covered a lot of ground and explored a wide range of the paranormal.  Volt started with a unique hypothesis.   He set out with the argument that the study of the paranormal is polarized and biased to the point that it is almost never regarded in any kind of  real fashion.  He argues that there tend to be three groups and that all three groups are so passionate and furiously biased that they can't even really look at the subject of the paranormal in an unbiased light.  He lists these groups as skeptics, religious folks, and paranormal true believers.  He says the skeptics tend to lump religious and paranormal together and will defend the most unlikely natural explanation  before even thinking about a paranormal explanation.  The religious people tend to view the paranormal as the dark arts and the true believers in the paranormal will fight to believe any paranormal event no matter how unlikely it is to have occurred.   He is most passionate about skeptics who he believes are irrational in their closed mindedness.  He neither endorses nor argues against the paranormal but rather says that we should study it with he same objective, open mindedness we do any other occurrence rather than say faulty plumbing is the explanation for every phantom noise when it couldn't possibly be faulty plumbing.

Volt then presents a number of interesting chapters which cover various aspects of the paranormal.  The chapter called Death and Not Dying was the most interesting to me as it covered Elisabeth Kulber-Ross's interesting journey from being the authority on death and coping with death and grieving into a world of near death experiences and the paranormal.  Her journey is riveting.  Other chapters discuss UFOs, lucid dreams, ghosts, telepathy, and communicating with the dead.   Volt's usual way of exploring these topics is to pick a respectable scientist who has studied or been involved in the study of said subject and explore their findings, life, and opinions.

Overall,  I love this book.  It is well written and covers a lot of ground that has never been covered.  I couldn't put the book down.  I like Volt's argument that the paranormal should be study objectively and I believe he does an excellent job supporting this.   Volt is a good writer and his style made this book a quick and easy read.  However,  I am nit picky and Volt spent a good deal of time with psychologists and psychiatrists.   It did bother the hell out of me that he couldn't seem to keep the two straight.  Kubler-Ross is  a  psychiatrist.  She went to medical school.  Psychologists don't go to medical school.  We aren't MDs.  Throughout the book he called her a psychologist so often I didn't know in later chapters when he talked about psychologists if he was really talking about psychologists or psychiatrists.  This is important because psychiatrists study the medication end of the field, while psychologists are more mired in research and talk therapy.    He also presented new theoretical ideas that groups of psychiatrists or psychologists (I can't tell) dreamt up and presented them as actual diagnoses followed by statements that diagnoses aren't  real.   Just for the record,  according to the international medical community diagnoses are real and help to treat people who are sick.  For example, diagnosing someone with schizophrenia helps find the proper treatment for them.  In order to be a real diagnosis to be considered real,  it must come out of the DSM or ICD (the most current revision) and have a code and have been agreed on by an enormous panel of professionals.  I can't just dream up farting monster syndrome write a paper about it and call it a diagnosis.  It would take years of study and tons of support and research by more people than me to make my farting monster syndrome a working diagnosis that I could bill for.  Volt was similarly weak in his explanation of  the placebo effect, which he described as close to paranormal.  I won't explain why, because that would probably annoy everyone but me,  but there are oceans of data explaining why the placebo effect occurs and none of it is paranormal.  Volt also ignored theories on poltergeists that attribute them to one person when he described his house as being haunted by a poltergeist.   I could go on like this with other nit picky points of science and medicine and the paranormal for pages, but I'll stop here and say that had Volt been a little more careful in these types of details I would say his book is up there with Spook as one of my favorite paranormal books.  Volt managed to collect some really fascinating paranormal stories and tie them together with a brilliant writing style.  For me the devil may be in the details, but perhaps I am being too harsh.  To the normal reader who isn't a psychologist  these details would be lost.  The flow of the narrative and the structure of the book would be more pronounced and Volt certainly tells many good stories of those fighting for a scientific regard for paranormal subjects in a world than generally gives them as much regard as unicorns and fairy god mothers.