Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Wishing Wednesday (aka: LALAALA, I can't hear you)

Like I've said before, I normally don't participate in traditional blogger posts. Which is why instead of doing "What I'm loving Wednesday," I'm doing my very own "Wishing Wednesday." That means instead of being disgustingly optimistic, I can also throw in tons of realism and pessimism and essentially bend it to whatever I want it to be. Which I like. So here goes....I'm wishing:

1) For more rain. (The slight relief from triple digit heat records makes my days a little better.)

2) That highlights were less expensive. I can't AFFORD to look hot. Even if I wanted to. Which I do. But instead, my hair looks dank, greasy, or just plain mousy. Boo to the fabulous hairdressers holding my pocketbook for ransom! BOO!

3) That I were more inclined to get off my ass and actually do something rather than watch SVU episodes on Netflix all day long. This includes feeding myself.

4) That school was not right around the corner. I need more time. I don't know for what, since I've managed to waste the past two months I've been given, but it's kinda terrifying thinking that after this year, I will be expected--nay, DEMANDED--to be a contributing member of society. I don't like that one bit.

5) That my friends were back in town. I'm getting bored having no incentive to wash my dank hair and get off my ass watching SVU. Have I mentioned that already? Oh, that's right. I have.

This summer has been a great one, and probably one of the last I will truly have to myself until I'm nearly dead too old to enjoy it. I managed to vacay, do some other super-secretive (and identifying) stuff, help Leonidas move out of his apartment, and not kill hang out with my family. My little bro (Calvin) starts school tomorrow, people.

I guess it could always be worse.

Here's to wishing Calvin a great first day of school, and hoping for margaritas in my near future.

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