Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Happy Hungry Ghost Festival!

Belief in ghosts is one of those universal archetypes that Carl Jung found across all cultures.   From India, to the Philippines, to Africa and back ghosts haunt dark roads and old stories.   Many cultures have entire holidays dedicated to ghosts.  In China, the Hungry Ghost Festival or the Ullambana Festival of Buddhism is more typically called the "Ghost Festival".  Ghost Festival is celebrated throughout Asia and called by many different names.  It is celebrated during the fifteenth day of every 7th Lunar Month.  This would typically be July but Lunar months aren't calender months so this year Ghost Festival falls on August 31st.   In Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ghost Festival is celebrated for the entire month.

In Chinese folklore, the people believe that the 7th month is a time for ghosts.   It is believed that the gates of the underworld are thrown open and hungry ghosts roam the earth looking for food.  Ghost festival is deeply tied to traditions of ancestor worship and people leave items out for the ghosts of their ancestors.   Some people light lanterns by the roadsides to help the ghosts and other provide shoes for the ghosts.  One of the most beautiful costumes associated with this festival is the lighting of lanterns and setting them adrift in the water.  These lanterns serve as guiding lights for the lost and wandering ghosts.   Other traditions call for the burning of offerings such as paper and incense and the leaving of food for the hungry ghosts.  In Hong Kong and Taiwan, Ghost festival is celebrated by a month of operas and performances to honor the dead.

The origins of the ghost festival can be found in Buddhist scriptures.  "In Buddhist culture, "Ullam" means "hanging upside down" in Sanskrit; "bana" means "a vessel for holding offerings of food". Buddhists hold that the vessel is capable of removing the extreme suffering of one's deceased parents in purgatory. This originates from the story of "Monk Mulian Saving His Mother" in Buddhist sutras. Buddhist disciples set Ullambana all over the place, symbolizing food provision for the people, adding fortune and longevity to their living parents and releasing deceased parents from sufferings.".. Cultural China.com.

Ghost Festival reminds  me of the Catholic tradition of lighting candles for the dead.   It is a way to remember and honor those who have gone before us.  I thought we'd put together a little ghost festival in our house this year.  We've lost quite a few people and helping the spirits of those we've lost seems appropriate.  Mooncakes are typically offered to spirits in china.  We don't have mooncakes so we will cupcakes.   My son has made origami animals to burn with the incense and we will light lanterns on the back patio to guide our family's ghosts home.  

Instant Cup Noodles has a Wax Lining

The Letter

[Taken from Internet:]

Dear all,

This is what I heard from a fellow colleague.

Her nephew, who was studying in UK for about one and a half years, likes to eat cup-a-noodle. And guess what! His doctor has found that there is a layer of wax lining the walls of his stomach. Seems that instant noodles that comes with foam containers contain an edible layer of wax. However, regular consumptions make it hard for our livers to clear the toxic. This person died when he went for an operation to try to remove the layer.

Pls do not boil the noodles in the container. Transfer to a glass bowl before you put the hot water.

Aira Gaspar
Manulife Philippines


The message tells about a the child of her friend whose stomach walls have wax layers, found by a doctor.

But the email and the story are definitely not true.

According Snopes.com, the email circulated in the internet since October 2000. However, the story was much more older than the named date, because there are rumors with the same subject circulated many years ago.

I also found in Snopes, some stories or even tells the reason and effect of wax on our body. It states there that wax is needed to make the noodles not stick together when cooked. As well as, the wax can cause cancer to whoever in take it.

By the way, I don't know who Aira Gaspar is. When I research about her in internet, this e-mail often show.


Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

The Ghost of the Smithsonian Castle

The Smithsonian Castle is a beautiful building. Washington DC is a stunning city whose classic architecture makes a traveler feel like they have been transported back to ancient Rome. Doric and Corinthian Columns grace the facades of elegant white buildings and the unity of architecture makes me imagine that this is what the great white city must have looked like. The Smithsonian Castle, however, is utterly different. Built in 1855 by the renowned architect James Renwick, this redbrick, Gothic beauty stands apart from all the classic buildings it is surrounded by. It looks more like a medieval castle than a Roman ruin and its haunting beauty draw in the eyes like a light in the dark. 
The Smithsonian Castle is a corner stone of the mall in Washington DC.   It is the founding museum in the sprawling Smithsonian Museum complex which is spread out over Washington DC and now occupies over 30 museums and houses millions of artifacts, paintings, and other items of scientific, anthropological, and historical significance.  The castle is the most striking of the Smithsonian buildings not only because it was the first of the Smithsonian buildings and represents the birth of the largest museum complex in the nation, but also because it is the most haunted.
The museum is said to be haunted by James Smithson.  Smithson was a British chemist and mineralogist and the illegitimate son of the Duke of Northumberland.  He was born in 1765 and dedicated his life to chemistry and mineralogy.  He traveled Europe studying and publishing papers on his findings.  When he died, he left his entire fortune to the founding of the Smithsonian Institute and he was the founding donor of the institute.  Ironically, James Smithson never visited the United States and never saw the massive building that would bare his name.  However, his body was transported to the United States and his remains grace the first room in the Smithsonian Castle.   The urn below is where he now rests.   It is not surprising that his ghost has been seen throughout the castle.   Visitors and employees alike have reported seeing him wandering the halls of the beautiful red building that bares his names and the halls seem to whisper his name as you walk through them. 


Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

A Photographic Journey Through Piere Lachaise

Piere Lachaise is one of the most beautiful places on earth. This necropolis sprawls through downtown Paris with monuments of such exquisite beauty it is easy to forget you are in a cemetery. Wandering this cemetery is one of my favorite things to do in Paris. Here are a few of my favorite pieces of this otherworldly cemetery.

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Oga's Attorney

From: Masahiro Oga
Subject: Re: Legal Matter

Thanks for the your responds, please see attached document for your review run a conflict check and advice on your retainer fee
our opposing company information is below the breach of contract if for the sum of $1,200,000.00
Castle Pacific Publishing Company
2320 N 137th Street
Seattle, WA 98133-7823
Glenn Hampson

Please send us retainer agreement ( engagement letter)  looking forward hearing from you.


Shigeru Hayashim (President)
Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.
6-29, Shin Ogawa-machi
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
ZIP 162-8707


We are a large media publisher company here in Japan and we have a breach of intellectual property agreement matter in your jurisdiction. If you are interested we can forward you the intellectual property agreement for your review.


Masahiro Oga (President)
Shogakukan Inc.
2-3-1 Hitotsubashi Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan 101-8001
Telephone: +81-368635418

Maria Karamot

Her story was known in the province of Zambales. This was a folklore, however some people claim that they saw her in the shore till now.

Maria Karamot was born with mortal parents, Juan and Juana, and was snatched by the waves of the sea when she was seven years old. When she came back years after to her lonely parents who often wait by the shore, she was already transformed into a mermaid - a beautiful mermaid with long black hair, a set brown eyes, and tail of bangus (milkfish). However, she cannot remember her origin anymore. The reason was because of the King of the Fish - a bangus, who dealt with Juan in exchange of regular milkfish to them.

She often rose to surface of the sea admiring the beauty of the land. As the King of Fishes notices her sadness, he grant her with wish. Maria wished to walk on earth, but in one condition, that she can acquire feet every full moon. Then as she arrive in the pampang (shore), she met Ramon - secretly was a siokoy (merman) sent by King of Fishes. Then they became lovers and had one child - a boy. One night she saw many fishermen gathering in the net, and saw her child being hit by the paddles then was killed. Because of that, she avenged her child and drowns fishermen. Till now, it was still believed that she is the reason of death in the sea.


[Taken from Internet:]

Once, there lived beside the sea a couple named Juan (Hu'wan) and Juana (Hu'wana). For a long time they were childless. When Juana was at last with child, they were quite happy. But in her pregnancy, Juana would become very restless if she did not have bangus (milkfish) to eat every day. So one afternoon, when Juan failed to catch any milkfish, he became very sad. Suddenly, Juan heard his name called. He was greatly surprised when he looked down and saw a shiny milkfish wearing a crown. The milkfish identified himself as the King of Fishes and he asked Juan,

"Why do you fish only for milkfish?" Juan told him the reason, and his sorrow at the moment.

The King of Fishes pitied Juan and promised, "I’ll give you plenty of milkfish everyday. But in return, you are to deliver your coming child to me when it turns seven years old." Because it was already getting dark and since milkfish was becoming scarce that season, Juan finally agreed. The King of Fishes was true to his word. Even after Juana had given birth, Juan continued to bring home milkfish from the sea. Their child was a lovely girl with very black hair. They loved her and were very happy with her. They called her Maria.

When Maria turned seven, Juan went to see the King of Fishes and begged him: "Have pity on us. Can’t you possibly release me from my promise? We love Maria very much, and we can’t bear to part with her."

But the King of Fishes was firm, saying, "A promise is a promise." With a heavy heart, Juan went home. Since that day, the couple and Maria never went near the sea.

But one day, while Juan was on the farm and Juana was doing the laundry in the river, there came a big wonderful boat. The people immediately flocked to the shore to see it. Maria was alone at the time and was looking out the window. She became curious and joined the rest on the shore. While she was watching the wonderful boat, a big wave rushed up and dragged her to the sea. Immediately, the neighbors told her parents of the incident. Juan and Juana ran to the shore but they were too late. Maria was gone! Every evening after that, the couple would stand by the shore and stare at the deep. They kept hoping that Maria would return. Years passed and still they failed to see her. But one moonlight night, there appeared before the old couple a lovely creature. She had very long black hair, but — while half of her body was that of a beautiful girl, the other half was that of a milkfish. Then they knew that it was Maria, now a mermaid.

Maria grew up to be a very beautiful woman with long black hair and expressive set of brown eyes. She cannot remember that she once was human for the King of Fishes took away all trace of her memory when she was taken suddenly many years ago. She grew up with other mermaids of her kind at the bottom of the sea who took care of raising her as their own. But every full moon she would rise up to the surface to admire the beauty of the earth which she found herself unexplainably drawn into.

The King of Fishes noticed Maria's restlessness and tried to cheer her up by promising to grant whatever wish she wanted. "I would like to be able to walk like the humans," she asked in earnest. The King of Fishes replied, "I will grant your request to walk like the humans but only while the moon is full." And so it was that Maria was able to walk on the "pampang" during full moon.

It was during one of her walks that she stumbled upon a young man who was walking alone in the night. She was not aware of her nakedness and the man was surprised to see her. He didn't seem to mind her nakedness too but instead asked her who she was, and where she was going. That was the start of the friendship between Maria and her male acquaintance whose name she later discovered as Ramon. Unbeknownst to her, he was in fact, a siokoy - a male sea creature (merman) sent by the King of Fishes.

Their friendship quickly blossomed into a romantic relationship and not long afterward, Maria conceived and gave birth to a healthy baby boy who looked very much like his father. They were very happy and would often swim together especially on bright moonlit nights. Maria forgot her sadness and was completely happy.

One night when the full moon was incredibly bright yellow in color, Maria was aghast to see a crowd of fishermen gathering around a huge fishnet where to their surprise they have caught a most amazing creature - a boy covered with fish scales and terribly distraught. Maria hid herself behind the bushes where she saw the fishermen lift their prize catch to the shore. To her great shock and horror, they started to hit the creature with their paddles and sticks until the poor thing stopped moving. Maria saw everything but cannot believe what happened. They killed her little boy.

Sometime at midnight, the people of the small fishing village were awakened by an eerie wailing coming from out of the sea. It was so haunting and spine-tingling that nary a soul was able to get to sleep for the rest of the night. The following morning, the villagers were shocked to discover the lifeless body of one of the fishermen along the seashore. His body bore scratch marks all over. He apparently drowned the night before while relieving himself after a drinking session with his friends.

Thus the legend began of Maria Karamot as she was henceforth known because her victims bore scratch marks in their bodies. Every now and then, the sea will claim its next drowning victim for no logical explanation. Sometimes, excursionists and out-of-town vacationers will for no reason become the next unwitting victim of the pristine and inviting sea that carries with it the sorrows and pains of a grieving mother still trying to understand why her child was taken away from her.

--------- Edgar Millan

Edgar Millan is a native of Olongapo City and presently residing in Leamington, Ontario with his wife Gemma. He graduated from the University of the Philippines in 1990 finishing B.S. Agriculture. He migrated to Canada in 1995 and presently works as a production manager for a Belgian company involved with biological systems. He is an aspiring freelance writer who with his wife is active in church and volunteers in worthwhile activities in their community. He is presently writing a collection of short stories and poems for future publication. Edgar is one of the three ZambalesForum (ZF2) discussion group moderators.

* I don't know who actually was the author of the story above. I found another source that Russel Quinto was the writer of the same story.

Actually, not only the people of Zambales claim they saw a mermaid in the sea. Well, the large part of the Philippines is water, so it is normal for people to hallucinate or make stories about sea-creatures in their place. And even, explaining mysteries in the water connecting it to some monsters in the sea, which might not exist.

http://members.enchantedfolk.com/isabellasart/blog/cat/general *
[Picture from:]

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Mary Cherry Chua

Mary Cherry Chua (commonly known Mary Chua) was a high school student of a popular all-girls school in Quezon City, Metro Manila. She was in second year when she was raped and killed by the janitor of the school, killed by strangling her with her necktie. The year when she was killed was in 1972. Some sources depicting her life and death mentions that the school was St. Mary's College, but I am not certain if it was really the school where she studied. Her story became popular because of the book True Philippine Ghosts Story of PSICOM Publishing Corp. The year when the story first circulated was 1992, but still it was uncertain.

According to some stories, Mary Chua was a simple, beautiful, kind, intelligent, young girl popular in her school. They also described her with long black hair, creamy white skin and chinky black eyes.

Her story found its way to urban legend because of the rumors and stories that whoever sits on the bench, which was standing in the very same place where she was killed and was near St. Joseph Building, will be possessed by her, putting the possessed person (usually a girl) in her shoe and letting that individual feel and experience her pain and struggle while being raped by the said janitor. But according to some people, it was not a bench but a drinking fountain water which in some time, instead of water it was blood coming out from the fountain.


[Taken from Internet:]

One day, Mary Cherry had to stay late in school because of an activity. It was near dusk already when she said goodbye to her classmates. Later that night, the frantic parents of Mary Cherry called her classmates one by one asking if they had seen their daughter, since the girl has not arrived home yet and this was very unusual since Mary Cherry diligently goes home after school. However, not one of Mary Cherry's classmates were able to say where she was.

The following morning, Mary Cherry's body was found behind a shrubbery in the school's spacious yard. She was strangled to death with her own necktie, her skirt all the way up to her chest and her panty was found below her ankles: clear indication that she was raped. Her mouth was still open, evidently she struggled for breath as her assailant choked her. Her grieving, outraged parents of course cried justice for their daughter. It was a huge scandal at that time. The school had to do damage control because what happened would not only put a black mark on the name of the school, if they wanted to keep their students (which I mentioned were all girls), they have to catch the culprit and they have to do it fast.

It was the school's good luck that the rapist went forward on his own accord. It turned out to be the school janitor who was recently fired because of being caught sleeping on the job. He decided to rape a student because he knew that it will reflect negatively on the school and he just chose Mary Cherry because she was the one of the most popular girls there. He felt really guilty after doing his crime and since his conscience continued to plagued him, he decided to surrender. The janitor was put into prison and to serve as a token to Mary Cherry's memory, the school administration erected a stone bench on the exact spot where she her body was found with the words "In Memory of Mary Cherry Chua" engraved on it.

However, the story doesn't end there. According to the students of that school, those who dared to sit on that bench will be possessed by Mary Cherry Chua. She will be made to feel how Mary Cherry felt during her last minutes in the world. Some of those who happens to pass that stone bench during dusk sometimes sees a figure of a young girl, crying nearby, perhaps crying because her bright future was taken away from her...

For whole real-life story of Mary Cherry Chua in series, click the following:

  • Wattpad.com - The Case Unclosed Story of Mary Cherry Chua
  • Pinoy-horror-stories.blogspot.com - Mary Chua

  • I found her friendster profile in a forum website which scares some of the people. Click Here. But some speculated that this account was created by some people who just wanted to make use of her scary story.

    There was another rumor that she actually did not die of being raped and murdered by the janitor but because of her illness. Well, no one want to believe on that datum because they assume that those who spread the said information just want to hide the true story of Mary Chua.

    Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

    Voodoo and Ghosts in Bayou Myth

    I don't do many book reviews here, so you know when I do a book review it is because it is particularly ghostly and because I really thought the book was interesting and worth reading.  Both of these things are true of  Mary Ann Loesch's Bayou Myth.  Bayou Myth is the story of a young woman, Joan, who is descended from the infamous voodoo queen Marie Laveau.  Our young heroine is not only descended from Marie Laveau, but she is haunted by her dead "grandmere's" ghost.  Marie Laveau knows her granddaughter is heir to her voodoo powers and is guiding her in their proper use.  The tragedy of it all is that the young Joan doesn't want these powers.  She just wants to be an ordinary girl.  I loved the haunting, voodoo elements of this book.  I also thought Ms. Loesch does a brilliant job of conveying Joan's voice.  The voice feels authentic and captures the reader immediately.  It pulls you into the mystery of the novel and makes you long for more. The only thing I felt was a weak about this book was the writing style not involved with Joan's voice.  Sometimes it lacked a certain poetry I enjoy in my novels.  However, Joan's voice and the story more than make up for this small weakness and I would definitely pick up this piece of haunting, voodoo literature before Halloween.  Below you'll find a post by Ms. Loesch describing her voodoo inspiration and an expert from the novel.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :).
    The Voodoo of Bayou Myth
     I have always been fascinated by other religions--especially the more "out there" ones. I was brought up Episcopalian which is basically just Diet Catholic--all of the sin, but no need for the confession! While my parents were pretty open minded, we didn't talk a lot about religion around the dinner table. It wasn't until I was in high school, about the same age as my heroine Joan from my young adult novel Bayou Myth that I even began to really think about religions outside my own.
     I guess that's natural since the teenage years are when you start to question everything!
     About that time I saw the movie, The Serpent and the Rainbow. It's basically about this scientist who travels to Haiti to learn about a man who died and then came back as a zombie. While he's there, he learns a lot about Haitian voodoo and goes a little crazy. Okay. I admit that it wasn't the greatest horror movie I'd ever seen, it did get me interested in voodoo. Everything I'd ever seen or read about voodoo had made me think it was just a crazy cult thing, but the movie indicated that the story of The Serpent and the Rainbow was based on true events.
     Curious, I did some research and discovered that voodoo was much more than some spooky blood smeared rituals meant to frighten people. It's actually a blend of Haitian and Catholic beliefs. Yes, there are some elements that are supernaturally charged, (the creation of zombies is one example) but the intentions of voodoo--to love and be true to oneself--is essentially the same as other faiths.
     Now, New Orleans voodoo does have a slightly different feel to it. That's because in Louisiana voodoo really is like a spicy pot of gumbo--it’s a blend of a little bit of everything! There, you have voodoo priestess who can make you love potions, create spells meant to get rid of an enemy, or make a gris gris bag to bring you good luck. This is the voodoo that Hollywood likes to show the world and  that's probably why it has such a confusing reputation.
     When I set out to create a young adult tale that featured voodoo, I wanted to be respectful. So I did my best to include information about voodoo that is both authentic anda bit on the spooky side, too. But you can't write about New Orleans voodoo and not include one of the most famous voodoo priestess of all time either--Marie Laveau. Marie was the woman who really brought voodoo to the forefront of the New Orleans world. She is still revered--and a little bit feared--to this day!
     So, of course I had to put her in Bayou Myth, too. In fact, she is the great, great, grandmother of my heroine, Joan Renault. She tends to guide Joan in the realm of voodoo, teaching her the customs and rites that will one day make Joan a powerful voodoo priestess. But like lots of teenagers, Joan isn't exactly willing to be bossed around by a lady who's been dead for almost two hundred years!
     The really fun part of writing Bayou Myth was combining my research on voodoo with the Greek myths that so many of us are familiar with. You may recognize some Greek tales that now have just a little voodoo twist to them!
     Hopefully, I've got you curious about my latest novel. Here's a teaser to wet your appetite a little more….
     As a sixteen year old voodoo queen in the making, Joan Renault just wants to be like all the other girls in the small town of Monte Parish, Louisiana—obsessed with boys and swamped with social lives. If the other kids would quit calling her “hoodoo hag,” she might have a small shot at normality. It would also help if Joan’s weekend outings with her secret crush, Dave, weren’t always being interrupted by her dead Grandmere, the legendary Marie Laveau. After all, it’s hard to make out with your best friend when your grandmother is watching! But when you come from a long line of voodoo priestesses with dried gator heads decorating the wall of their huts, normal doesn’t come easily.

    When Joan witnesses the brutal sacrifice of a child to a tree Druid, she learns her Grandmere’s scandalous past has come back to haunt those living in the present. Hera, a vengeful voodoo priestess, is determined to use the residual energy of Pandora’s Box to revive a sleeping voodoo god and declare war on the descendants of Marie Laveau, especially Joan. Suddenly, Greek myths are being re-enacted all over town, and Joan has her hands full trying to sort it all out. With the approach of Samedi’s Day—the voodoo day of resurrection—Joan must learn to accept her destiny in order to stop the approaching threat to her family and friends.

     Mary Ann Loesch is an award winning fiction writer from Texas. Her urban fantasy, Nephilim, was published in July 2011 by Lyrical Press Inc.  An avid blogger for All Things Writing (http://www.allthingswriting.blogspot.com) and Loesch’s Muse (http://www.loeschsmuse.blogspot.com), Mary Ann has also contributed stories in the horror anthology, All Things Dark and Dastardly. Her latest book, Bayou Myth, was released in June 2012. While she loves dirty martinis and cuddling with her dachshund, she loves fan mail even more! Contact her through her website at www.maryannloesch.com.

    BUY BAYOU MYTH NOW AT!   http://www.amazon.com/Bayou-Myth-Mary-Ann-Loesch/dp/0984657819/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345046471&sr=8-1&keywords=Bayou+Myth

    Short excerpt for Bayou Myth

    A teenage girl stood in the hazy glow. Unlike the other spirits, her form held solid. I got the sense that she drew energy from the surrounding spirits. Her lowered head made it so I couldn’t see her face, but the style of dress she wore dated back at least a century. Not surprising, really. Monte Parish could trash its roots to the late 1700’s.

    The ghost lifted her head. Her eyes were empty sockets and rotted flesh hung from her face revealing bone. She watched me, and the hatred pumping from her aura sucked my breath away. Her head moved as if she were looking at Dave. A sly smile formed on what remained of her lips, and the hatred crawling in the air multiplied. She moved towards us with an unsteady gait. The closer she got, the sicker to my stomach I felt.

    She meant to harm Dave. But not because he’d done anything to her. It was because he belonged to me. Though she never said a word, her intentions spilt off her and my psychic conduit picked it up. 

    “Let’s go. We need to leave right now.”

    “What’s wrong?” Dave asked, but he complied with my request and closed up the tailgate.

    The girl continued our direction. She raised a hand, and the sleeve of her dress slid back. Even from the distance we were at, the long white scar on her arm could be seen clearly in the moonlight. She pointed a finger at me.

    You saw…the words hissed across the cemetery, raising goose bumps on my arms.

    An Epic Final

    I think I must have got caught up in all the sporting euphoria. Here's another tale of fighting spirit from my rapidly fading memory. This was from my younger days when I was still interested in football. I think I was studying for my A Levels at the time.

    The 1970 Cup Final was between Chelsea and Leeds United. These two teams were about as different in style as you can imagine. It would be like comparing ballerinas to clog-dancers. The florid South Londoners against the gritty Yorkshiremen.

    The game took place on a Wembley pitch that had been shredded to pieces by an equestrian event the week before and was in no fit state to host a showpiece final. With no hope of putting on a display of flowing football on such a surface, both sides resorted to basic tactics. This suited the tough Northerners who dominated the game from start to finish. Such domination was epitomised by the battle on the touchline. Dave Webb, the Chelsea right-back, was turned inside out by his counterpart. Given the task of marking the Leeds wizard Eddie Gray, Webb was completely baffled by the winger's dazzling footwork. So mesmerised was he that I remember one critic claiming that he had spent more time stumbling backwards and sitting on his rear-end than on his feet. Despite their overwhelming superiority and twice going in front, Leeds were hauled back by two Chelsea equalisers and taken to extra time. With no further goals the game was scheduled to go to a replay at Old Trafford nearly three weeks later.

    Chelsea must have been punch-drunk from that first encounter. It would have been equivalent to me going twelve rounds with Muhammed Ali and then being asked to do the same thing a few days later. Yet this game was a more bruising battle than the first. Some would call it brutal. Chelsea played better but once again were put under pressure by the Leeds terriers. In the first half Leeds went ahead after Bonetti, the Chelsea goalie, had been half crippled by a typical Leeds challenge. The Londoners looked dead and buried.

    Then, ten minutes from the end, an equaliser was conjured out of nowhere by the Chelsea striker Peter Osgood, whose diving header flew out of the reach of Leeds keeper Gary Sprake. Once more scores were level after ninety minutes.

    Almost at the end of the first period of extra time a long Chelsea throw-in reached the Leeds penalty area and skimmed off the top of Leeds centre-half Jackie Charlton's head.

    And who was it that leapt above the Leeds defence to knock in the winning goal? Forgetting his previous humiliation and with less mud on his backside than in that first game it was Dave Webb who got his head to the ball and sent it rocketing into the Leeds net. This was the first time Chelsea had been in front in three and a half hours of play. They held on until the full-time whistle to celebrate a tremendous and unlikely victory.

    The ethos of never giving up until the bitter end proved a winning strategy. This must have been one of the last football matches I ever watched. After that they all seemed a bit dull.

    Sometimes I feel like Dave Webb. Floundering around in a literary quagmire while editors and agents humiliate me with their rejection letters. But I'll rise above them all and score a fabulous goal before the final whistle.

    Blimey! I've gone all metaphorical.

    Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

    Hay Ashim's Here

    From: Shigeru Hayashim
    Subject: Re: Legal Matter

    Thanks for the your responds, we found your firm contact info via Google search so please see attached agreement for your review, our debtor information is below the debt owe $1,200,000.00 run your conflict check and send us your retainer agreement Asap.


    Media Index Publishing Inc 
    1201 1st Ave S # 309
    Seattle WA 98134-1234
    Please advise us on your retainer fees for collection and send us retainer agreement ( engagement letter)  looking forward hearing from you.

    Yours Sincerely
    Shigeru Hayashim (President)
    Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.
    6-29, Shin Ogawa-machi 
    Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    ZIP 162-8707
    (03)3260-0141   (03)3260-0180 

    We are a large media publisher company here in Japan and we have a breach of contract agreement matter for collection in your jurisdiction.
    Please advise us on your retainer fee so that we can forward you the agreement for your review and run a conflict check.
    Yours Sincerely

    Shigeru Hayashim (President)
    Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.
    6-29, Shin Ogawa-machi
    Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    ZIP 162-8707
    Email: shayashim@gmail.com

    The 1972 Great Flood of Luzon and 2012 Habagat has similar cause?

    Bagyo is the common word for tropical cyclones or mainly called typhoons in the Philippines, which actually came from the name of Baguio City when the said place was stormed on 1911 recording 46 inches of rainfall for 24 hours. PAGASA (which in English means Hope) or Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration is an institution studying, monitoring, forecasting and providing data and warnings about the future and present weather, flood, sea waves, meteorological, astronomical and climatic activities, and etc. Habagat is the Filipino term for South wind, while Amihan is for North wind.

    Well, we're not discussing everything about storms in this country. So, let's proceed on the main topic - the urban legends behind the 1972 and 2012 destructing rainfalls.

    The 1972 Great Flood of Luzon

    In 1972, time of Marcos' administration (or should I say, dictatorship), the whole Luzon sunk in flood caused by non-stop rainfall. They said, the reason was the disappearance of Sto. Niño of Tondo on July 14, 1972. The rainfall lasted after 40 days and 40 nights just like the biblical story of Noah. First Lady Imelda Marcos, hearing this as the reason, ordered to find the said image, as well as Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, her husband. They set large amount of peso as reward to whoever will find it and point out the thief who stole it.

    According to Fr. Lorenzo Egos, parish priest of Tondo that time, the Sto. Niño de Tondo vanished when ... the thieves hid in the church when the doors were bolted at 8 p.m. the night before. He also told the police that he suspected peoples attending the Mass days before.

    The image was described as being: two feet tall, a wooden body with ivory parts, adorned with accessories of gold and silver. To the faithful, the image was priceless, but for police purposes a P500,000 price tag was provided.

    Three days after the disappearance of Sto. Niño de Tondo, the suspect was arrested. He is Reynio Rivera. The image was found separately in Balagtas Street (the wooden body dumped in a canal near Rivera?s house, the left arm, a silver scepter, a golden cross, and a bronze crown), and was sent to Malacañang Palace to put them together. By the way, the other parts were recovered from Eugenio Milan (as he bought the gold cross for only P43, and became the accessory of the crime), and some others was sold in the art gallery in Vito Cruz. Dr. Eleuterio Pascual, the owner of the gallery, presented to Mrs. Imelda Marcos the other parts.

    It turned out that the said 40 days and 40 nights of non-stop rainfall was not really true. A thanksgiving was held in Palace when Pres. Marcos read the English and Tagalog version of the ephistle, while the devotees were waiting outside to escort their patron. The image was brought back in procession to Tondo on August 2, 1972. That same time, the weather improved and the flood subsided. The procession became emotional.

    Well, after the said event, churches' treasures and important artifacts were brought back to the specific church were they came from.

    The 2012 Habagat

    Here, the reason behind the said rainfall, which lasted for almost one week non-stop of rainfall, was the disappearance of the gold-plated monstrance in St. Peter's Shrine along Commonwealth, Quezon City. It was actually stolen by someone, till now, no one who he/she was.

    Monstrance is a vessel that displays the consecrated host. It is placed inside the adoration chapel where people can see it and pray silently. According to research is not only used by the Roman Catholic but also by Old Catholic and Anglican churches.

    In this case, the monstrance was not brought back, however the Habagat faded deliberately. So, it was strange, and on the other hand, it was obviously not real.

    PAGASA's Explanation why it happened

    The reason of almost non-stop raining was the typhoons that struck the Philippines almost consecutively.

  • The Bagyong Edeng passed first. It landed in the Philippines.

  • The Bagyong Gloring next. Even though it didn't land fall in the Philippines, yet it strengthened the Habagat (Southwest Monsoon) which flowed in the country leading 214 deaths. It happened on July 17 and 21.

  • Then the Bagyong Huaning and Bagyong Isang.

  • Just recently, Habagat struck the Philippines, which was strengthened by Bagyong Gener. This typhoon was formed in southeast of Metro Manila. It sunk half of Pampanga, some cities in Metro Manila, Bulacan and other neighboring provinces of the latter.

    Still, I'm wondering if the 1972 incident was true or not, but the reason might be Filipino's are searching for reason or who should be blamed of the strange happening.

    [Picture from:]

    Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

    Sara Email Scam Smiles

    Subject: Re: Possible Legal Representation
    Date: August 13, 2012 3:05:55 PM PDT
    Reply-To: sarahackerman770@gmail.com

    Dear Counsel, 

    I am seeking legal representation from your law firm regarding a breach of divorce settlement agreement I had with my ex husband who now resides in your jurisdiction.

    We had an out of court agreement for him to pay me $578,000.00 plus legal fees. He has only paid me $78,000 ever since this agreement was reached.

    So it is my belief that a Law firm like yours is needed to help me collect my due settlement from my ex-husband or litigate this matter if need be. 

    I need legal advice and assistance to know the best way to handle this issue. If this is your area of practice, please contact me to provide you with further Information. 

    Sarah Ackerman.

    Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

    Jeepney Warning Stories

    Jeepneys are the most popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. They have become a ubiquitous symbol of Philippine culture.
    The word jeepney is a portmanteau of "jeep" and "Jitney".
    While most are used as public utility vehicles, jeepneys used as a personal vehicle have their tailgate attached, known in the Philippines as "For family use", originating from the sign painted on them. Jeepneys are used less often for commercial or institutional use.

    So, let's talk about some criminal stories dealing with this vehicle. The stories shown below are the most widely spread stories of all. Well, I doubt the credibility of these, though all of them may had happened once. But I can't find any articles in news papers or if it had been featured in television shows.


    [Taken from Internet:]

    I want to share this story for you all to be aware while having their trip. Si Ana, Student ng PUP, ay pauwi na. Sumakay siya ng Jeep. Apat lang sila na nasa loob ng jeep; Yung driver, si Ana, isang matandang lalake at isang nursing student. Si ANA, nakaupo sa dulo ng jeep, right side, malapit sa babaan. Yung matandang lalake, nakaupo sa left side, likuran ng driver. Then yun nursing student, nakasandal sa matandang lalake, nakalaglag yun buhok sa mukha, tulog ata.

    Umandar na yung jeep. After 5mins. May sumakay na matandang babae. Umupo sya sa harap nung matandang lalake at nung nursing student. Umandar ulit yung jeep. Wala pang 10mins, pumara yung matandang babae, and on her way down sa jeep, pinipilit nyang bumaba si Ana.

    Sabi nya: “BABA!” On a not shouting but medyo galit na way.
    ANA: “Bakit po?”
    Matandang Babae: “Basta baba!”
    Hinahatak nya ang damit ni Ana pababa,
    while saying “sabing baba eh!”

    dahil sa takot, bumaba si Ana..
    Pagkaandar ng jeep, Ana asked the old woman..

    ANA: “Bakit po ba?”
    Matandang Babae: “Hindi mo ba napansin?”
    ANA: “Alin po?”
    Matandang Babae: “Nangingitim na ‘yung mga kuko nung babae!”
    ANA: “Ano po ibig nyong sabihin?”
    MB: “Patay na yung babae! Sinaksak ng Ice pick nun lalake!”

    *Kapag daw ice pick ang ginamit pangsaksak, di daw lalabas ang dugo dahil maliit lang ang ice pick, sa loob daw mamumuo yung dugo, magkakaron ng blood clot.*
    Hindi pa nag sink in kay Ana yung sinabi nun matandang babae, until napanood nya sa news.

    Swerte ni Ana dahil may malasakit yung matandang babae sa kanya, dahil diba, pwede naman umalis yun MB kahit hindi kasama si Ana. It means, di pa oras ni Ana. Ang nakakaawa is yung nursing student.

    Sobrang swerte ni Ana. Puzzle pa rin sa’min what’s the real story behind that.

    Kasi sabi daw sa news,di daw hinold up yun nursing student, kaya hindi alam ang reason kung bakit sya pinatay. ngayon si Ana, lagi daw tulala at lutang. Tahimik palagi. Sus, kahit kanino naman siguro mangyari yun magkakaganon diba? Kaya sa mga commuters dyan, be aware sa mga nakakatabi nyo sa byahe, laging mag iingat and be observant.

    Be Safe and Never removed your eyes from the people you saw inside any public transportation. You will never know that one of them may hurt you for no reason. Enjoy the trip and always remember to pray for your safety.

    I want to share this story for you all to be aware while having their trip. Ana, a student of PUP (Polytechnic University of the Philippines), was about to go home. She took a jeep for a ride. They are four inside it - the driver, her, an old man, and a nursing student. She take a seat at the right side near the passage door of the vehicle. The old man seated at the left side near the driver. Then, the nursing student was leaning on the old man with her hair covering her face, as if she's asleep.

    The jeep was running now. Then, after 5 minutes, an old woman took a ride on it. She seated on front of the old man and the nursing student. And the jeep ran again. 10 minutes after, the old woman told the driver that she wanna go out, and on her way down the jeep, she forced Ana too to go down with her.

    She said on a not shouting but angry way, "Go out!".
    Ana: "But why?"
    Old woman: "Just go out!"
    She pulled Ana's clothes forcing her to go down while saying, "I said go out!"

    Because of fright, Ana followed the old woman.
    When the jeep leave, Ana asked her.

    Ana: "Why did we went down?"
    Old woman: "Haven't you noticed?"
    Ana: "The what?"
    Old woman: "The girl's nails were becoming black!"
    Ana: "What do you mean?"
    Old woman: "The girl was already dead. The old man stabbed her with an ice pick!"

    When you use ice pick to stab someone, the blood will not ooze out of the wound because the ice pick is so small. The blood will only clot in the body.
    Still, what the old woman had said did not sink in on Ana's mind, till she watched it on a news in TV.

    Ana was lucky, that the old woman has concern on her. The old woman can just go down without telling her what's happening. It only mean, it's not already Ana's time to die. But the most pitiful is the condition of the nursing student.

    Ana was very lucky. It's still puzzling to us what was actually the real story behind that.

    Because according to the news, the nursing student wasn't been robbed, thus the reason was still unknown. Now, Ana always act stupidly, and often silent. Well, whoever might experience that will eventually be like that. So, to all the commuters there, be aware who's beside you, be careful, and be observant.

    Be Safe and Never removed your eyes from the people you saw inside any public transportation. You will never know that one of them may hurt you for no reason. Enjoy the trip and always remember to pray for your safety.


    [Taken from Internet:]

    Hindi ako makapaniwalang may mga tao talagang handang pumatay para lang makuha yung mga materyal na bagay na gusto nila o siguro dala na ng desperasyon kung paano makakatawid ng gutom.

    Kwinento sakin ‘to nung kaibigan ko kanina:

    Papunta sila ng kaibigan niya sa CEU kahapon para sunduin yung isa pa nilang kaibigan. Sumakay sila ng jeep sa may bandang Ortigas. Pagsakay nila, konti lang yung mga pasaherong nakasakay. Mag-jowang magkayakap, isang matandang babae, sila, tapos yung driver. Sa may bandang likod sila nakaupo. Yung mag-jowa yung nasa may bandang unahan ng jeep. Nakasandal si ate kay kuya na parang natutulog tapos si kuya nakayakap kay ate. Yung matandang babae naman nasa may bandang gitna.

    Inaabot na nung kaibigan ko yung bayad niya dun sa lalaki pero hindi siya pinapansin kaya yung matandang babae na lang yung nagabot ng bayad. Yung matandang babae din yung nagabot ng sukli sa kanila. Napansin na din nila nung mga oras na yun na ang sama ng tingin ng driver sa kanila. So medyo nagtataka na din sila.

    Mayamaya, biglang sinabi sa kanila nung matandang babae na bumaba na sila. So lalo silang naguluhan kung saan mas matatakot. Sa manong driver na masama yung tingin o sa aleng bigla na lang nagyayayang bumaba ng jeep. Hindi na din sila nagisip tapos bumaba na sila ng jeep. Pagkababa nila ng jeep, sinabi sa kanila nung matandang babae kung bakit. Buti na lang daw hindi sila nagtanong kung bakit. Sabi nung matandang babae patay na daw yung babaeng nasa jeep. Hindi daw mag-jowa yung dalawa. Kaya nakasandal si ate kay kuya tsaka nakayakap si kuya kay ate kasi may nakasaksak kay ate na ice pick. Kaya hindi din inaabot ni kuya yung bayad. Napansin din daw ni ale na medyo nangingitim na yung bandang leeg ni ate. Kaya din daw siguro masama yung tingin ni manong driver sa kanila kasi baka binabalaan na din silang bumaba.

    Nakakatakot lang kung iisipin mong isa ka sa mga nakasakay sa jeep na yun. Sobrang nakakatakot. Sa panahon ngayon, hindi ka na talaga makakasigurado kung sino yung mapagkakatiwalaan mo tsaka kung hanggang kelan na lang yung buhay mo. Nakakatakot na, lalo na kapag gabi.

    Kaya paalala lang sa mga madalas bumyahe sa gabi, mag-ingat. Hangga’t maaari, maghanap ng kasama. Tsaka wag kalimutang magdasal. Hindi mo man akalain pero malaki ang impact niyan.


    -A student from AB Pol Sci. (UST)
    I can't believe there are people who are ready to kill just to get material things they want, or ... because of desperation on how to overcome hunger.

    This story was told to me by my friend:

    They were on the way to CEU (Centro Escolar University) to fetch their other friend. They ride in a jeep around Ortigas. As they went inside, there were only few passengers. Lovers who happened to be embracing that time, an old woman, they, and the driver. They decided to sit at the back near the door way of the jeepney. While the lovers were sitting at the front near the driver. Ate* was leaning on to his shoulder, as if she's sleeping, while Kuya* was embracing her. And the old woman was sitting in the middle of the seat.

    My friend was offering our fair to the guy to give it to the driver, but he just ignore us, instead the old woman reach it for us. And it was also the old woman who reach the change of our payment. At that time, they noticed the bad stare of the driver to them. So they wonder why.

    A few minutes passed, the old lady told them that they should go out of the jeep now. So they became more confused on to whom they will be scared - to the driver or to the old lady who wanted us to go out. They don't put attention on thinking about it, they just followed what the old lady told them. As they were outside, the old lady told them the reason. Luckily, they didn't asked why while they're still inside. The old lady said that the girl there was already dead. The two were not lovers. The reason why Ate was leaning to Kuya, and why he embraced her is because there was an ice pick already plugged on her. That's also the reason why he didn't reach their payment. She also noticed that her neck was blackening. The same reason why the driver look very bad on them warning us to go out.

    It was very frightening to think if you're one of the passengers on that jeep. It was sooo scary! At this time, you're not certain who you'll gonna trust and when your life will last. It was fearful especially if it happens at night.

    So... To all of you who travels at night, BE CAREFUL! If possible, find someone to be with. And don't forget to pray. You'll never notice what its effect, but it has a huge impact on you.


    -A student from AB Pol Sci. (UST)

    * Note: Ate and Kuya, even translated in English as Sister and Brother, Filipino also use it to address elder strangers - female and male respectively.

    [Taken from Internet:]

    Kanina nagkwento yung classmate ko sa nangyari sakanya kagabi. Pumunta kasi sila ng tita niya sa Junction. Pero umuna na siya ng uwi kasi may allergy siya saka papasok pa nga siya kinabukasan. Sumakay daw siya sa jeep, nung una. Dalawa lang sila. Siya saka daw isang babae. (Maganda tas maputi saka medyo mayaman tignan. bata pa daw, mga 17-19) Tapos, may sumakay daw na dalawang lalaki. Pinagitnaan yung babae na nasa harap niya. Tas ginigitgit daw, eh samantalang apat lang naman sila sa jeep. Nung medyo nakalayo na sila sa junction, Prumeno daw ng sobra yung jeep tas yung babae, imbis na patagilid, paharap daw naano. Tumama pa daw sa tuhod ng classmate ko yung ulo ng babae. Don na daw siya kinabahan. Tapos, maya maya may sumakay daw na nurse. Tapos nung magbabayad na dawyung nurse, napatingin yung nurse don sa 3 sa kabilang side. Nilapitan daw siya ng nurse tapos pinilit siyang bumaba. Sumama nalang yung classmate ko kasi daw mukhang takot na takot yung nurse. Nung pagbaba, nagtanong yung classmate ko kung bakit daw sila bumaba, ang sabi ng nurse sa classmate ko. “Hindi mo ba napansin yung babae, patay na? may icepick na nakasaksak sa tagiliran niya. Buti nalang nakita ko agad.” Hindi daw napansin ng classmate ko kasi naktingin siya sa may bintana.

    Buti nalang sumakay yung nursre tapos napansin agad. kung hindi, baka kung ano na nangyare sa classmate ko. Atleast safe siya, pero kawawa naman yung babae. Ingat tayong lahat!

    [Taken from Internet:]

    because i can write in filipino just trying my hand at some creative non-fiction in filipino. actually, the core of this is from a story i’ve been told. the details, i just filled in.
    mahaba nanaman ang pila sa sakayan.
    tanghaling-tapat at naluluto na ako sa ilalim ng naglalagablab na araw, ngunit tinitiis ko ‘to. kailangan ko itong gawin. kaya pumila ako. nag-abang ako. hinintay kong mapuno ang sasakyan. hindi ako komportable. sino ba naman ang magiging komportable kung higit pa sa talagang kakayanin ng jeep ang pinapasakay? siksikan nanaman. naipit ako sa gitna ng dalawang babae. sa kaliwa, pikit na ang mata. nakatulog na sa kakahintay. kahit anong tulak ko ay hindi siya magising. sana man lang ay umusog pa siya ng konti. hindi rin maayos ang upo ng katabi ko. may kausap siya sa kanyang telepono. hindi ko naman maiintindihan kung bakit kailangan niyang makipagsigawan sa nasa kabilang linya. wala akong intensyong malaman ang kanilang pinagtatalunan, at wala rin akong pakialam. sa harap ko, dalawang magkasintahan. naglalampungan sila, parang walang ibang kasabay sa jeep. sa isang dulo mayroong mag-ina. umiiyak ang bata, marahail sa pagkabalisa niya. marami pang ibang biyahero sa loob, ngunit hindi ko na sila pinansin. kanya-kanya ang bawat pasahero, pareparehong napipilitang ipabahagi ang kanilang sariling espasyo pare sa mga estrangherong walang pakialam at respeto sa personal na lugar. nilunod ko na ang sarili ko sa aking patugtugan, umaasang matapos na agad ang paghihirap na ito.

    traffic nanaman. may inaayos na tubo sa may kabilang kanto. hindi makausad ang ibang sasakyan. mainit ang ulo ng lahat. tiniis ko na lang ito, umaasang maaayos ito kaagad ng mga mmda, ngunit sa totoo lang, wala namang silang ginagawa para masolusyonan ang problema. hindi talaga maaasahan ang ibang tao. hindi na makapagtiis ang ibang pasahero. isa-isa silang bumaba at onti-unti lumuwag ang jeep. ewan ko ba kung bakit, mas kumportable naman sa loob ng jeep, pero pinili nilang maglakad sa ilalim ng init ng araw. bahala sila.

    sa wakas, umusad na ang jeep. matagal rin ang hinintay ko. kakaunti na lang kami sa loob ng jeep, yung babae sa telepono, hindi pa rin niya binababa ito, yung babaeng tulog, yung magkasintahan at yung mag-ina. tuloy-tuloy na sana ang jeep ng biglang tinigil ng driver yung sasakyan, at susunod na nangyari ay kinagulat ng lahat sa loob.

    bumagsak ang babaeng natutulog sa sahig ng jeep, may ice pick na nakasaksak sa likod. hindi ko maalala ang mga sususnod na nangyari. bahagya mga imahe lamang ang pumasok sa isip ko. umiiyak ang bata. humihiyaw ang babae. sinusubukang itago ng lalaki ang malamig na bangkay mula sa kanyang nobya. natataranta ang driver. tumigil ang mundo ko.

    walang nakakalam kung kailan pa nangyari ang pagsaksak. walang nakakilala sa babae. wala akong maisagot sa pulis sa presinto. kahit anong tanong sa akin ay wala akong masabi. hindi ko tuluyang maintindihan ang tunay na nangyari sa loob jeep na iyon. hindi ko alam kung gusto kong maintindihan.

    sinundo ako ng aking kaibigan mula sa presinto. walang nagsasalita sa loob ng kotse sa buong byahe. pag-uwi ay dumiretso ako sa kama. inaasahang maitutulog ko na lang ang lahat ng nangyari, umaasang paggising ay . hindi ako makatulog.
    i’m not altogether sure if i’m done with the story. i’m just checking if i still have my writing chops for the non-academics. not entirely sure if i want to pursue this or anything. – jocsbonx @ livejournal

    Some of these stories, according to my interviewees, was first published from a university news paper. (I don't know what page in the news paper that story was - Literary or Campus News).

    I noticed the similarities between those stories:

  • Ice Pick
    The instrument used to kill the victim.

  • Girl
    The victim is always a girl.

  • Well, the only thing I can say is, whether these stories really happened or not, it only mean, we should be careful, especially to those commuters who go home at night.

    * One of the sites where you can find the story.

    What's in the river?

    In Philippines, whenever someone was drowned in a river they often quote, there's a ghost over there., which was the cause of one's death. Some people may say, a monster dwells on it. Well, my grandma told me one reason why many people thought there's something on the river. The main reason is, the first ghost (or first individual) who died there, still haunts the place - the river.

    Mga Sirena (Mermaids), mga Siyokoy (Mermans), mga Engkanto o Diwata (Fairies) and other unknown entities were the most usual cause of drownung in rivers. Even in Japan, they believe that Kappas are the reason why children disappear in rivers. They believe, those monsters snatch or kidnap children for some reason, perhaps, as food.

    Back to Philippines, there are many ghost stories (or monster stories) subjecting rivers that kill people for unknown cause. I found a this story on a social networking site:

    Naniniwala ba kayo sa mga ilog, sapa o break water na nangunguha ng buhay ng tao?

    Kamakailan, kung narinig ninyo po sa news. Ibinalitang may isang kabataan na namang nalun0d at namatay sa Bibit Falls, sa Antipolo. Yung nasabing Falls na yun, happens to be near in our place. Pero mahaba-habang akyatan at lakaran kung manggagaling pa samin. (Parang mountain-climbing lang..lol) dahil mabundok na banda ro0n. Medyo liblib at mapuno. Tanda ko di ko pa narating un nung high school kami, pero marami ak0ng classmate na madalas din dun at ung iba malapit dun mismo nakatira.. Sila naniniwalang ta0n-ta0n may kinukuha ung falls/ilog, kadalasan mga bata. May aksidenteng nalulunod at namamatay na tao sa falls na un. Eto pong ise-share ko e tungkol sa isang skulmate na sinasabing na-engkanto pagtapos nilang magpuntang magbabarkada sa falls na un. Kwento ito samin mismo ng mga kasama niya noong araw na yun bago siya nawala.

    Noong high school, nagulat na lang kami ng mabalitaan ung biglaang pagkamatay ng isang schoolmate namin. Weekend un, nagkayayaan silang magtotr0pa na maligo at magpicnic sa Falls. (Falls lang kasi tawag d2 samin nun) Habang andun daw sila, et0ng si Dhen (di nya po tunay na name ha) may nakitang pusang itim. Pinaglaruan at pinatay niya.. Yung ibang kaibigan niya sinuway sya pero dinedma na rin. Masaya daw sila nun habang naliligo sa falls, kumain at nagkuwentuhan. Wala naman daw kakaibang nangyari, biruan lang, usual na tawanan nilang magtotr0pa. Habang pauwi daw, tahimik na daw si Dhen. (Malayo kasi talaga ung falls na un kaya mahabang lakaran talaga bago sila makauwi) Kinakausap nila di naman daw kumikibo. Patuloy lang sa paglakad. Nakauwi na sila sa kanya-kanyang bahay tapos nung gabi din iy0n, nalaman nilang wala na ung kaibigan nila. Pagkauwi daw, nagpahinga tapos natulog lang si Dhen, di na nagising........ Pagtapos mabigla ng lahat ng kasama niyang mga tr0pa. Tinanung sila ng guardian ni Dhen anu bang nangyari? Kasama lang nila kanina.........

    Sinasabing, ung napatay niyang pusang itim ay isang engkanto. At ung kasama nilang umuwing Dhen ay katawan na lang ng saging.. *RIP skulmate*


    "When you're getting ready to launch into space, you're sitting on a big explosion waiting to happen." --RIP, Sally Ride

    I don't mind the plunge. I don't mind the secret dread leading up to a plunge.

    What I hate? Waiting after the plunge to see if my parachute is going to open or not.

    And that's where I am with regards to the bar exam. By my calculations, I have 19 days before I figure out whether or not I shall crash into the ground or somehow float in a clumsy landing that doesn't involve me spending my 25th birthday wallowing in a pit of my own misery.

    I've spent the last couple weeks on an extended vacation. First, Branson with my family. Then a cruise with my boyfriend and his family. But now, I'm stuck waiting. This means I should probably pick up some old hobbies I gave up while preparing for the bar.

    Like working out.

    And giving myself manis/pedis (because my tootsies are looking BAD).

    And deep cleaning my house.

    And preparing eleventy billion job applications, most of which I will not receive a response to, and the rest that will end up stringing my along or summarily dismissing me with a rejection letter (which is better than the aforementioned silence).

    Somehow, I don't think this will make the waiting process any easier. Which might give credence to Blog Creeper's suggestion of a medically-induced coma.

    Although I just may prefer a tequila-induced haze.

    A True Golden Girl

    While newspaper headlines are still shouting Gold Rush! and the BBC continues to play Spandau Ballet's Gold I thought I would mention one of my sporting heroes.

    Lillian Board (1948 – 1970) was a British middle-distance runner and a sporting icon when I was a young man. She won an Olympic silver medal and held several track world records. She was also one of my early inspirational role models.

    In the 1968 Mexico Olympics she was narrowly beaten into second place in the final of the 400m by Colette Besson of France.

    At the 1969 European Championships, having won gold in the 800m, Lillian ran the anchor leg for the British 400m relay team. Once more she was pitted against Besson and found herself well behind the French girl coming out of the final bend. Nevertheless she didn't give up and crossed the line a whisker ahead of her rival. I have watched the closing stages of that race over and over again on YouTube  and every time I see the two girls coming into the final straight I still think there's no way that Lillian can win. If you have time take a look for yourself.

    Sadly, just over a year later, Lillian succumbed to a virulent form of cancer and died on Boxing Day 1970, just two weeks after her twenty second birthday.

    Every time my goals seem unreachable and I need motivating I think of that black and white footage. I remember watching it over forty years ago and can recall the feeling of amazement as the gap between the two runners closed in dramatic fashion.

    Thank you, Lillian.

    Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

    White Lady sa Muzon

    I found this from a book. My first impression was, it seemed like an urban legend. I found it in a true ghost story book.

    White Lady sa Muzon

    Marso 12, 2006. Alas tres ng madaling arawnang bulabuginang buong Phase X sa subdivision ng Muzon, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. Sa bahay ng pamilya Mahilum nagpakita ang multo ng isang babae. Malapit ang bahay sa isang malawak ba palayan na sinasabing pinanggalingan ng multo.

    Isang linggo bago ang malagim na pangyayaring bumalot sa bahay, unti-unting nagparamdam at nagpakita ang multo sa mga miyembro ng pamilya Mahilum mula sa sampung taong gulang na bunsong anak hanggang sa padre de pamilya. Hindi maipaliwanag ng pamilya Mahilum kung sino ang multo at kung bakit sila pinagpapakitaan at tinatakot nito.

    Ang padre de pamilya na si Larry Mahilum ay kasalukuyang sumasailalim sa psychiatric therapy. Mula nang magpakita ang multo sa kanya, lagi na siyang tulala at hindi makausap ng maayos.Walang makapagsabi kung ano ang totoong nangyari at ang nakita ni Larry noong madaling araw na iyon. Nagising na lamang ang mga kasama niya sa bahay, maging ang mga kapitbahay, sa kanyang sigaw. Natagpuan nila si Larry sa palayan na pinagtatataga ang sarili.


    Sa Phase X, Lot X, Block XX, Site XX makikita ang isang may katamtamang laking bungalow. Pula ang bobong at krema ang pintura ng bahay. Nababakuran ang bahay ng hanggang dibdib na pader. Puro namumulaklak na halaman naman ang paligid ng bakuran. Dito nakatira ang pamilya Mahilum. Sa likod ng kanilang bahay naroon ang malawak na palayan. Bago ang insidente noong ika-12 ng Marso, laging bukas ang mga bintana at pintuan ng bahay. Pero simula nang magwala si Larry at pagtatagain ang kanyang sarili, lagi nang sarado ang mga bintana at pintuan. Laging nakakandado ang gate at laging patay ang ilaw kahit gabi.


    1.Marco Mahilum

    Sampung taong gulang, grade IV sa Muzon Elementary School. Payat, katamtaman ang tangkad, at may kaitiman. Sa oras ng panayam, kapansin-pansin ang puting marka ng kamay sa kanyang pisngi. May kaunting sinat at ubo.

    "Nag-iisa po ako noon sa bahay. Umalis po kasi sila Mama at Papa papuntang bayan. Si Ate po, umalis din, pumunta sa mga kaklase. Nasa sala po ako, naglalaro po nu'ng GI Joe na ibinigay ng ninong ko noong nakaraang Pasko.

    "Bigla na lang po akong gininaw. Nagtayuan po ang mga balahibo ko sa braso. Lumakas po 'yung ihip ng hangin, akala ko nga po uulan, pero pagtingin ko sa labas hindi naman. Inilipad po 'yung mga papel sa ibabaw ng mesa tapos 'yung kurtina rin po.

    "Pagtingin ko po sa likod ko, andun 'yung babae. Puti ang kanyang suot at mahabang-mahaba ang kanyang buhok. Duguan ang kanyang mukha, pati nga po 'yung luhang dumadaloy sa mga mata niya ay kulay pula.

    "Naihi po ako sa sobrang takot. Hindi po ako makagalaw at makapagsalita. Ni hindi nga po ako makasigaw. Lumulutang po ang babae. Itim na itim po ang kanyang mga paa na parang balot ng putik.

    "Lumapit po siya sa akin, tapos hinawakan niya ang aking pisngi. Ang lamig po ng kanyang kamay. Heto pa nga po 'yung markang kanyang kamay. Tapos, bigla na lang siyang nawala.

    "Umiyak po ako pagkatapos mawala ng babae. Masakit po kasi ang aking pisngi. Pagdating nila Mama, ikinuwento ko ang nangyari pero hindi sila naniwala."

    - end of tape -

    2. Lisa Mahilum

    Labinwalong taong gulang, second year sa isang sa isang computer college. Nagtatrabaho nang part-time sa isang restawran bilang crew.Katamtaman ang pangangatawan. Mahaba ang buhok at bilugan ang mukha. Sa panahon ng panayam, kapansin-pansin ang pagiging magugulatin ni Lisa. Malayo ang tingin at malalim ang iniisip.

    "Sabado noon. Bumisita po 'yung mga pinsan ko mula Pangasinan. Mga lima po kaming nagkakatuwaan sa sala. May salu-salo po at konting inuman.

    "Kumuha po kami ng mga litrato gamit 'yung digital camera ni Kuya Jun-jun. 'Yung panghuli pong kuha nu'ng group picture ako ang kumuha.

    "Nu'ng pagtingin ko po sa camera, bigla pong may isang babae roon na naka-puti. Akala ko nga po 'yung kurtina lang 'yun. Pero nu'ng tingnan ko ulit, andun pa rin siya. Katabi niya ang mga pinsan ko. Pero 'di tulad ng mga pinsan kong nagtatawanan, ang babae ay lumuluha. Dugo ang kanyang iniluluha. May sugat siya sa noo. Matagal ko pong tinitigan ang babae sa camera. Nainip na nga po 'yung mga pinsan ko kaya inagaw na ni Ate Kristine 'yung camera para siya na lang daw ang kumuha ng litrato.

    "Pinapunta niya ako sa may bintana kasama ang iba pang pinsan ko para kunan ng litrato. Hindi ko masabi sa kanila na may nakita akong babae. Natakot ako. Pagpunta ko roon sa bintana, biglang umihip nang malakas ang hangin. Binalutan ako ng kurtina, ang lamig-lamig ng pakiramdam ko.

    "Tapos, hindi ko na alam ang sumunod na nangyari. Paggising ko, umaga na, sabi nila nahimatay daw ako sa sobrang kalasingan. Pero hindi naman kasi ako uminom nang marami nu'n, kaya imposibleng lasing ako nang mga oras na 'yun."

    - end of tape -

    3. Hermie Mahilum

    Apatnapung limang taong gulang. Maybahay ni Larry Mahilum at ina nina Marco at Lisa Mahilum. Paminsan-minsa'y tumatanggap ng patahi ng mga kurtina at punda. Sa oras ng panayam, balisa at hindi mapakali si Ginang Mahilum. Panay ang punas sa pawisang mukha.

    "Alas onse iyon. Nagsasahod ako ng tubig sa labas ng bahay kasi hindi pumasok sa loob ang tubig. Wala ring tubig kapag umaga kasi may ginagawang tubo diyan sa kanto.

    "Tahimik na tahimik ang paligid noon. Kahit ang palayan sa likod ay wala man lang ingay, kahit lagaslas ng mga dahon ng palay. Wala akong masyadong maaninag. Katatapos lang ng kabilugan ng buwan kaya manipis ang liwanag sa paligid.

    "Nakita ko mula sa palayan ang isang babae. Nakakasilaw ang puti niyang damit. Lumulutang siya sa ibabaw ng mga palay. Duguan ang kanyang mukha. Duguan ang kanyang kaliwang kamay. Puro putik ang kanyang paa. Mahabang-mahaba ang kanyang buhok.

    "Lumulutang siya papalapit sa akin. Nanlilisik ang kanyang mga mata. Hindi bumubuka ang kanyang bibig pero naririnig ko sa loob ng aking tenga na sumisigaw siya. Umiiyak at nagmamakaawa. Sumigawa ako ng sumigaw. Tinawag ko ang aking asawa at ang mga bata.

    "Paglabas nila, itinuro ko sa kanila kung saan naroon ang babae. Pero wala na siya roon. Lumabas pa kami sa kalsada para tingnan kung nasa paligid pa siya pero isang asong gala lang ang nakita namin."

    - end of tape -

    4. Larry Mahilum

    Apatnapung taong gulang. Construction worker. Sa oras ng panayam, tulala at tahimik si Ginoong Mahilum. Nakabenda ang kanyang dibdib dulot ng mga sugat mula sa sariling itak. Nakabenda at sariwang-sariwa pa ang sugat sa kaliwang braso. Nataga at naputol niya ang sariling kamay.

    "Si Maricel iyon. Ang kanyang mga mata. Ang kanyang mga mata. Impyerno ang kanyang mga mata. Si Maricel iyon."

    - end of tape -


    Tikom ang bibig ni Hermie Mahilum nang tanungin kung sino ang Maricel na tinutukoy ni Larry Mahilum. Wala raw siyang kilalang Maricel. Gayon din ang mga anak na sina Marco at Lisa. Ngunit nang ipagsiyasat, natuklasang may isang nagngangalang Maricel Sembrano na tumira sa bahay ng mga Mahilum mula Pebrero 2001 hanggang Marso 2004.

    5. Esther Jalosjos

    Kapitbahay ng mga Mahilum. Matandang dalaga. Nagtitinda ng barbecue sa tapat ng bahay at naging malapit na kaibigan ni Maricel.

    "Kamag-anak nila si Maricel galing Pangasinan. Kinuha siya nila Hermie para maging katulong. Hindi ako sigurado sa kanyang edad pero malamang na disisais o disisiyete. Naalala kong nabanggit niyang baging gradweyt lang siya ng high school.

    "Alas kwatro pa lang ng umaga bumabangon na siya para maglaba o magsahod ng tubig. Tahimik at mahinhin, hindi siya gaanong lumalabas ng bahay. Lumalabas lang 'yan kapag wala ang pamilya. Dito siya sa akin umiistambay at nakikipagkuwentuhan.

    "Isang araw, bigla na lang nawala si Maricel. Pinalayas daw ni Hermie matapos matuklasang buntis. Pinabalik si Maricel sa probinsiya, ngunit isang linggo matapos siyang umalis, natagpuan ang kanyang naaagnas na bangkay sa gitna ng palayan. May natagpuang kalawanging alambre sa pagitan ng kanyang mga hita.

    "Nakakasuka. Itim na itik ang lupa dahil sa dugong natuyo roon. Puro uod ang mukha ni Maricel. Andami-daming langaw.

    "Walang makapagsabi kung sino ang may gawa nu'n. Sabi ng mga pulis na nag-imbestiga, si Maricel rin mismo ang may gawa nu'n sa kanyang sarili. Siguro nahihiya rin siya at natatakot kasi at nabuntis nang hindi pa ikinakasal.

    "Hindi nalaman kung sino ang ama ng ipinagbubuntis ni Maricel. Wala naman siyang kasintahan. Pero sino ba ang lalaking palagi niyang kasama sa bahay? 'Di ba si Larry lang naman?"

    - end of tape -

    Nanatiling tikom ang bibig ng pamilya Mahilum simula noon hanggang sa makalimutan na ng mga taga-Muzon ang pangyayari.

    Ngayon, binasag nila ang kanilang pananahimik at piniling magsalita para ipagtanggol at ipaliwanag ang kanilang sarili sa haka ng mga kapitbahay na sila'y nababaliw na.

    Ngayong araw, ipinasya ng mga doktor na dalhin muna sa mental hospital si Larry para suriin at bigyang lunas.

    Ngayong araw din ang saktong araw nang mamatay si Maricel dalawang taon na ang nakakaraan.