Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Continued interest....

Tomorrow I've got a job interview. I'd really like to get it; not because it's a field I'd particularly enjoy, but because it pays well. I somehow managed to forget I'd already interviewed for them once (last summer), and got the big N.O. I'm glad they helped remind me when they emailed me thanking me for my continued interest in their firm. I wish I could have told them no, I have a continued interest in not mooching off Maxine and Danny (which I am gleefully doing right now, to their chagrin). I have a continued interest in building my resume. I have a continued interest in learning about the law. Them? Meh; not so much.

Considering my continued interests in re-interviewing for a firm who let the doorknob hit me where the good Lord split me when I left, I've been playing out interview scenarios in my head. Best case scenario? I charm their pants off, then still get a no. Seriously. I have gotten more rejections than Jonah Hill before he struck it rich in Superbad. Worst case scenario? It's already happened:

Interviewer: So tell me what you know about the CIA. (That's who I was interviewing for. How the fuck I got past the initial resume collection is BEYOND ME.)
 Me: Not that much. Y'all must be doing your job right! 

I am not kidding. I actually said that. In an interview. With the CIA.

Good thing this isn't a governmental job.

Because I'm pretty sure I've made it on some form of a "do not hire" list.

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