Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

When adults act like children....

I admit it: I can act like a child sometimes (Maxine can attest to this). Ultimately, though, I put on my big girl panties, take a deep breath, and approach the problem like a rational (grown up) person.


Lawyers (and law students) are particularly guilty of behaving childishly. You see them bickering within briefs, participating in pissing contests at your local bar (generally these are not literal pissing contests although it would not surprise me), and stabbing each other behind their backs. Recently, I've been hit by the crazy train. Let me tell you something: I don't deal well with cray-cray. Most the time, I tell someone they are acting that way, and let's just say the crazy hits the fan. This most recent time, however, it's just not that easy to tell someone they are bat-shit crazy, because I'm afraid she might take her billyclub and break my kneecaps. Why you ask? Because she's assumed the role of child and mother (and no, this is not my mother we are talking about).

I deal even worse with someone who presumes to tell me what to do, especially when they are NOT my mother (and Maxine can tell you I don't like taking orders from her either). Especially when she goes behind my back and involves people in an effort to force me to bend to her will. Newsflash: coming to me first would have been the best idea. If I don't immediately answer your emails, it's because I'm trying to figure out a way to tell you that you're a fucking lunatic. A followup email is the correct gesture, not an email to people in charge of stuff telling them of my plans that have not been verified and that you have in store for me. Just so you know, I've contacted those people in charge, because I don't give a fuck about someone else's opinion of me (although maybe I should). Before it's all over, I will out you and your craziness, and you will hopefully learn your lessons: (1) to communicate in a non-crazy manner; (2) to check before you assume; (3) to not fuck with me.

If you are in a position of power, then so be it. I, however, am NOT your minion. I am not your Igore. I am NOT your Bonnie. And I am not your bitch.

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