Senin, 29 November 2010

The Lost Princess of Noccalula Falls

Noccalula Falls is hidden in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains on the side of Lookout Mountain.  It is hidden in the quiet green of  the forest and is buried in rich history that isn't evident when you look.    The history here is Native American history.,  There is a gorge and trails and caves thick with carvings that tell of the first occupants of the region.   The waterfall is named for one of these occupants.  It is name for a Native American princess whose beauty was legendary.  It is said that her ghost still wanders the mountain side and that her face can still be seen in the mist around the falls.

According to legend,  Noccalula fell in love with one of the braves in her tribe.  The two lovers wanted to be united in marriage, but fate was against them.  Their love was thwarted by Noccalula's father who wanted her to marry another man.  It was the costume of the Native's at the time for the parents to chose their children's mates and Noccalula was told to marry another.

Noccalula was broken hearted.   She couldn't bare it and she climbed to the top of the waterfall and threw herself over the edge.  She died in the cold waters beneath the falls.  Her father was so beside himself that he named the waterfalls for his lost princess.  Since that time,  many visitors to Noccalula falls have seen a Native American maiden walking along the top of the waterfall.  Some say they can see her face in the mist near the base of the falls.  They say she rises from the water and then fades away into the mist, forever searching for her lost love.

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