Courtney Mroch, who has the brilliant and beautiful blog Haunt Jaunts, stopped by the other day and left a comment on one of my posts letting me know she had an award for me. She gave me the “Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits” award. This means I am strange. I've really always known that I'm strange, but I am proud that my strangeness came with an award. Usually it only comes with strange glances and a step backwards.
The ‘Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits’ award is given to only the strangest of folk, and as the recipient of such you are deemed very strange indeed. Congratulations. I honor those that are strange as they have always been my favorite people, so if I am passing this award on to you, you are one of my favorites. You are my favorites among the many strange people I follow.
Of course, to accept this award you must do many strange things, because this is more than an award.
This is how Cate Gardner is celebrating the pre-release of her book, Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits, and
The “award” also qualifies you for a contest with neat prizes Cate is giving away.
So now it’s my turn to pass it on.
Now you must go forth and celebrate the strangeness of friends (and strangers – strangers are always allowed) by nominating blogs run by strange folk. *Beware, some people don’t like you to refer to them as strange…Try to avoid them if possible. Of course, I think that people not wanting to be called strange are strange so I may have violated this rule and I apologize if I have.
Some rules:
1. Add the logo of the award to your blog post.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (don’t mess with strange people).
3. Nominate seven other blogs telling us why you think the recipient is strange enough to deserve the award.
4. Leave a message for those nominated on their blogs.
5. And, if you email catephoenix(at)gmail(dot)com and tell her you’ve received the award for your strangeness, she’ll enter you in the biggest kick-ass Strange Men competition ever. Details over at strangemeninpinstripesuits
So the award goes to:
1. The Time Human: I love this blog about everything in science that I miss. I think knowing this much about science makes him a little odd, so he gets the award!
2. Paws and Reflect: This is one of my favorite blogs! I love reading it every day and must say it is a little odd because it is the only blog I've found that mixes recipes, science, current events, and cartoons together so that you'll never really know what to expect out of this wonderful blog.
3. Beyond Pale Mother: This lovely blogger writes about her life and thoughts in general and she has a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of all things paranormal. Almost every post I make, she adds to and gives me more information about. This is wonderful, but a little odd.
4. Labrynthian Creations: This artist and blogger fills her blog with some of the most unique and strange art I've ever seen. I've been so moved by her work I've even bough some of it at the etsy shop. The Shadow Farm: This is another artist and blogger that adds to the world of the bizarre with beautiful and unique art that I love looking at. Magikal Seasons: I am showing my passion for Halloween art here, but I really love Halloween artists and Magikal Seasons is definitely one of my favorites. I love her happy little pumpkins and haunted trees and they are definitely unique and strange. Histories, Mysteries, and Strangeness: Do I really need to say any more about why I chose this blog? It's all in the title isn't it? Thank you all for being strange and making my life that much more interesting by doing so! I love all of your blogs! Also, thank you Courtney for appreciating my oddity. Please visit Courtney at to explore her strangeness!